CCCC > Serials > Experiments in the furan series
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Experiments in the furan series
- J. Šrogl, M. Janda and I. Stibor
Experiments in the furan series. XVI. Hydroxylation of the products of methoxylation of furan derivatives substituted in the position 3
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 12, pp. 3666–3674
- J. Šrogl, M. Janda, I. Stibor and J. Kučera
Experiments in the furan series XV. Synthesis of racemic 4-ketopentose
1973, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 455–458
- M. Valenta, P. Maloň, M. Janda and J. Šrogl
Experiments in the furan series. XIV. Radical bromination of methyl 2,5-dimethyl-3-furoate
1972, Vol. 37, Issue 2, pp. 493–498
- V. Kubelka, J. Mitera and M. Valenta
Experiments in the furan series. XIII. Interaction of substituents on the furan nucleus caused by electron impact
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 12, pp. 4082–4087
- J. Šrogl, M. Janda and I. Stibor
Experiments in the furan series. XII. Preparation of 3-furyl ketones
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 11, pp. 3478–3480
- J. Šrogl, M. Janda, J. Hájková and V. Kubelka
Experiments in the furan series. XI. Reduction of alkoxylation products of furan
1970, Vol. 35, Issue 11, pp. 3462–3466
- M. Valenta
Experiments in the furan series. X. Preparation of some 2-substituted derivatives of methyl 3-furancarboxylate
1969, Vol. 34, Issue 6, pp. 1814–1818
- J. Šrogl and I. Stibor
Experiments in the furan series. IX. Cleavage of 5-bromofurfuryl alcohol derivatives with hydrogen chloride
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1958–1962
- J. Šrogl and J. Pavlíková
Experiments in the furan series. VIII. Preparation of 2,5-dimethoxy-3,4-epoxytetrahydrofuran derivatives
1968, Vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1954–1957
- M. Valenta
Versuche in der Furanreihe VII. Über die Reaktion von Chloracetaldehyd mit Hydroxymethylenaceton-Natriumsalz
1967, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 897–901
- M. Valenta, M. Janda and A. Klásek
Versuche in der Furan-Reihe VI. Alkoxylierung von 2-Methyl-3-formylfuran
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 6, pp. 2410–2415
- J. Šrogl and J. Peterek
Experiments in the furan series. V. Reactions of nitration intermediates of furan compounds
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 1578–1584
- M. Janda and P. Novák
Experiments in the furan series. IV. Preparation and alkoxylation of 2-methyl-3-acetoxymethylfuran
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1731–1734
- M. Valenta and M. Janda
Experiments in the furan series. III. Preparation of some 2,3,5-trisubstituted derivatives
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 1577–1581
- J. Šrogl
Versuche in der Furan-Reihe II. Über eine neue Synthese von β-Acetylacrylsäure-methylester und einige Reaktionen von 2-Methyl-2,5-dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp. 1380–1386
- J. Šrogl and F. Liška
Versuche in der Furan-Reihe I. Hydroxylierung von Derivaten des 2,5-Dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofurans
1964, Vol. 29, Issue 5, pp. 1277–1281