
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
- 1-Aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazene compounds (4 articles)
- 2-Aryl derivatives of condensed five-membered N-heterocyclic compounds (3 articles)
- 4-Substituierte Derivate des Chinolicidins (1 article)
- 5-Arylpyrimidine (1 article)
- 5-Halogenpyrimidine (2 articles)
- 6-Aminopenicillansäure-Derivate (4 articles)
- A contribution to the theory of paper chromatography of inorganic compounds (2 articles)
- A generalized exponential function as a model of distribution curves of polymers (3 articles)
- A Monte Carlo Study of Flexible Polymer Chain Conformations in Restricted Volumes (1 article)
- A physico-chemical study of the rare-earth-sulphates (1 article)
- A Review on Recent Developments in Syntheses of the Post-Secodine Indole Alkaloids (3 articles)
- A simplified description of multicomponent diffusion in porous media (2 articles)
- A study of the permeability of the reed membrane (1 article)
- A study on silver oxides (2 articles)
- Ab initio SCF-MO-LCAO calculations with a molecule-calibrated contracted Gaussian basis (2 articles)
- About the properties of sulphide catalysts (11 articles)
- Acidic organophosphorus extractants (2 articles)
- Acyl derivatives of hydroxylamine (12 articles)
- Adamantane and its derivatives (16 articles)
- Adamantane compounds (4 articles)
- Addition reactions of haloolefins (12 articles)
- Additional constants of motion of the CNDO-like many-electron Hamiltonians of planar molecular systems (1 article)
- Additive physical properties (4 articles)
- Adsorption and catalytic reactions on evaporated metal films (10 articles)
- Adsorption aus Lösungen der Nichtelektrolyten an festen Adsorbentien (3 articles)
- Adsorption of 2-Thiouracil at the Mercury/Electrolyte Interface (1 article)
- Adsorption of carbon monoxide on nickel oxide (1 article)
- Adsorption of oxygen on nickel oxide (1 article)
- Adsorptionsgleichgewichte (3 articles)
- Adsorptionsstudien an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode (1 article)
- Aggregation der CaCO3-Teilchen in Suspension (2 articles)
- Aldobiouronic acids of the polysaccharides of gums from the trees of genus Prunus (1 article)
- Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam (31 articles)
- Alkaloids derived from quinolizine (5 articles)
- Alkaloids from Buxus sempervirens L. (3 articles)
- Alkaloids from Vinca minor L. (4 articles)
- Alkaloids of Physostigma venenosum (1 article)
- Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae (52 articles)
- Alkaloids of Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH (4 articles)
- Alkyl and alkenyl-pyridines (1 article)
- Alkylierung von 4-Alkylphenolen mit Isobutylen an einem Kationenaustauscher (2 articles)
- Amino acids and peptides (108 articles)
- Amino sugars (26 articles)
- Amino-keto-carboxylic acids (5 articles)
- Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides, and polynucleotides (10 articles)
- Amperometry with two polarizable electrodes (4 articles)
- An absorber packed with orientated helices (1 article)
- An equipment for mass and heat transfer to a film of liquid flowing down a plane surface (4 articles)
- An estimate of limiting values of relative volatility with help of the theorem of corresponding states (2 articles)
- Analyse von Farbstoffen und von bei der Farbstofferzeugung anfallenden Zwischenprodukten (12 articles)
- Analysis of adsorption kinetics on zeolites under nonisothermal conditions (1 article)
- Analysis of organosilicon compounds (6 articles)
- Analysis of surface-active addition products of ethylene oxide (2 articles)
- Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters (19 articles)
- Analytical Properties of Heterocyclic Azodyes (1 article)
- Analytik der metallorganischen Verbindungen vom Sandwich-Typ (1 article)
- Analytische Aspekte der Oxydation organischer Stickstoffverbindungen mit Chromsäure (10 articles)
- Analytische Reaktionen einiger Amidoxime (4 articles)
- Analytische Schnellmethoden zur Untersuchung von Metallen und anorganischen Rohstoffen (17 articles)
- Analytische Verwendung von Dilitursäure (2 articles)
- Anharmonic potential functions of polyatomic molecules (6 articles)
- Anmerkungen zur spektralanalytischen Literatur (2 articles)
- Anorganische Stickstoffverbindungen (5 articles)
- Anthraquinone dyestuffs (11 articles)
- Antibiotic efficiency of natural coumarins (3 articles)
- Antihistamine substances (24 articles)
- Antioxidant Building Blocks (1 article)
- Antioxidation agents and stabilizers (16 articles)
- Antituberculous compounds (5 articles)
- Antituberkulotika (1 article)
- Anwendung der Fluoreszenzindikatoren zur Bestimmung kleiner Mengen von oberflächenaktiven Stoffen (2 articles)
- Anwendung der oszillographischen Polarographie in der quantitativen Analyse (16 articles)
- Anwendung des Silberpermanganates in der Analyse (9 articles)
- Anwendung von Aminoverbindungen bei der Polarographie anorganischer Substanzen (4 articles)
- Anwendung von Anionenaustauschern in der analytischen Chemie (5 articles)
- Anwendung von Jodmonochlorid in der analytischen Chemie (13 articles)
- Application of analogue computers to the studies of reactions involving electrolytically generated reagent (1 article)
- Application of Capillary GC/MS to the Analysis of Wastes from Chemical Plants (2 articles)
- Application of potential-time curves in reaction kinetics (12 articles)
- Approximate methods in analysis of NMR spectra (1 article)
- Approximation by exponentials (3 articles)
- Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet organischer Fungicide (4 articles)
- Argentometric studies (4 articles)
- Aromatic diazo and azo compounds (79 articles)
- Arylierung mit Diazoniumsalzen (1 article)
- Arzneimittelanalysen mittels Polarographie oder Oszillopolarographie (1 article)
- Association and aggregation of molecules in the vapour phase (1 article)
- Association of radical anions with alkali metal cations (4 articles)
- Asymmetric reactions (29 articles)
- Atriopeptins (3 articles)
- Ausnützung von Schalleffekten zur Indizierung von Veränderungen des Kristallgitters (1 article)
- Automation in der organischen Analyse (1 article)
- Azabicyclo compounds (7 articles)
- Azo-compounds (4 articles)
- Base-catalysed polymerization of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (2 articles)
- Behaviour of a polydisperse phase in column-type apparatus (1 article)
- Behaviour of macromolecules in solution (4 articles)
- Behaviour of macromolecules on phase boundary (1 article)
- Beitrag zur Chemie der seltenen Erden (2 articles)
- Beitrag zur Chemie der Tetrafluoroborate (5 articles)
- Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geochemie der sekundären Sulfate (2 articles)
- Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Gallensäuren (1 article)
- Beitrag zur Oxydation der leichten Platinmetallsulfide (1 article)
- Beitrag zur Theorie der Chromatographie (1 article)
- Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Kinetik der anodischen Metallpassivierung (1 article)
- Beiträge zum Studium der durch Zersetzung von Mischsalzen hergestellten Katalysatoren (5 articles)
- Beiträge zur Chemie der Metallhydride (2 articles)
- Beiträge zur Chemie der seltenen Erden (1 article)
- Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente (20 articles)
- Beiträge zur Chemie hochkonzentrierter wässriger Elektrolytlösungen (4 articles)
- Beiträge zur Systematik von Fluorosilicaten und Fluorogermanaten (1 article)
- Benzocycloheptenes and heterocyclic analogues as potential drugs (10 articles)
- Bestimmung der Grösse und Struktur der Oberfläche poröser Stoffe und Katalysatoren mittels physikalischer Adsorption (3 articles)
- Bestimmung der Silberhalogenidlöslichkeit (1 article)
- Bestimmung organischer Stoffe durch Oxydation mittels Permanganats (1 article)
- Bestimmung physikalisch-chemischer Eigenschaften von Amalgamen der Alkalimetalle (2 articles)
- Bestimmung toxischer Substanzen und ihrer Metaboliten in biologischen Flüssigkeiten mittels der Gaschromatographie (6 articles)
- Bestimmung von Kohlenstoff und Wasserstoff in organischen Verbindungen (5 articles)
- Biochemical mechanisms of drug resistance (1 article)
- Biochemically important labelled compounds (4 articles)
- Bioengineering functional copolymers (1 article)
- Biosynthese der Carotinoide in der Hefe Rhodotorula gracilis (3 articles)
- Biosynthesis of alkaloids (4 articles)
- Biosynthesis of fats from saccharides by yeasts (1 article)
- Bis-merocyanine dyes (2 articles)
- Bislactams, their synthesis, polymerization and copolymerization with 6-caprolactam (1 article)
- Block- und Pfropf-Kopolymere (1 article)
- Borazaro analogues of aromatic hydrocarbons (2 articles)
- Brompyrogallolrot als kolorimetrisches Reagens (4 articles)
- Calculation of the mass-transfer coefficients by means of a more exact theory of gas-solid chromatography (2 articles)
- Calculations of models of the σ-electron structure of molecules (4 articles)
- Calculations on heat exchangers (3 articles)
- Carbamates (3 articles)
- Carbaminate, Monothiocarbaminate und Dithiocarbaminate (1 article)
- Carbocyclic Phosphonate-Based Nucleotide Analogs Related to PMEA (2 articles)
- Cardiotonic glycosides (2 articles)
- Catalysis by metal complexes (8 articles)
- Catalytic dealkylation of alkylaromatic compounds (19 articles)
- Catalytic hydrogenation activity of nickel prepared by thermal decomposition of nickel(II)-oxalate (2 articles)
- Cationic modifications of polyalkenes (2 articles)
- Certain physico-chemical properties of 3,4-dimethylphenol (2 articles)
- Characterization of the Hydrophobic Properties of Amino Acids (2 articles)
- Charakteristische polarographische Aktivität des Tabakmosaikvirus (4 articles)
- Chemical composition of the antibiotic albomycin (5 articles)
- Chemical equilibria in heterogeneous systems (2 articles)
- Chemical transformations of polymers (7 articles)
- Chemie der Borhydride (1 article)
- Chemie der komplexen Aluminiumhydride (2 articles)
- Chemie der Uranylcarbonate (1 article)
- Chemie organischer Fluorverbindungen (2 articles)
- Chemische Gleichgewichte in heterogenen Systemen (1 article)
- Chemische Indikatoren (7 articles)
- Chemische Umsetzungen der Polymere (3 articles)
- Chemismus der Silikate (1 article)
- Chemistry of 1,2,4-triazine (3 articles)
- Chemistry of 1,6-dioxaspiro[4,4]nonane (1 article)
- Chemistry of boranes (31 articles)
- Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds (11 articles)
- Chemometric Analysis of Substituent Effects (13 articles)
- Chlormethylierung in der Thiophenreihe (5 articles)
- Chlorwasserstoffspaltung des Furanringes (2 articles)
- Chromatographic semi-microanalysis of gases (1 article)
- Chromatographic separation of nitrogen-containing substances in the system gas-liquid (1 article)
- Chromatographic studies on suger beet (2 articles)
- Chromatographie aromatischer Isomeren (11 articles)
- Chromatographie der anorganischen Stoffe (1 article)
- Chromatographie organischer Substanzen (3 articles)
- Chromatographie organischer Verbindungen (5 articles)
- Chromatographie von Farbstoffzwischenprodukten (13 articles)
- Chromatographie von sulfonierten Produkten der Phenol-Formaldehyd-Kondensation (1 article)
- Chromatographische Semimikroanalyse von Gasen (11 articles)
- Chromatographische Trennung stickstoffhaltiger Stoffe im System Gas-Flüssigkeit (1 article)
- Chromatographische Untersuchungen über sulfonierte Produkte der Phenol-Formaldehydkondensation (1 article)
- Chromatography of amino acids on silica gel (1 article)
- Chromatography of organic substances (1 article)
- Combined ascorbic acid (1 article)
- Complexes with New Chelate Anionic Ligands Formed by Nucleophilic Addition in Copper(II) Coordination Sphere (1 article)
- Complexometric titrations (chelatometry) (1 article)
- Composés diazoïques aromatiques (1 article)
- Compounds structurally related to complexone (1 article)
- Condensation effect of stannic chloride. (1 article)
- Conductance of concentrated aqueous solutions of electrolytes (2 articles)
- Configuration of nitrogen-containing compounds (1 article)
- Conjugated radicals (10 articles)
- Continuous enthalpiometric analysis (2 articles)
- Contribution to the analysis of pharmaceuticals (1 article)
- Contribution to the chemistry of the rarer elements (1 article)
- Contribution to the Semiempirical Interpretation of the Anisotropy of the 29Si NMR Shielding Tensor in Silicates (1 article)
- Contributions to the analysis of chemotherapeuticals (1 article)
- Contributions to the chemistry of highly concentrated aqueous electrolyte solutions (4 articles)
- Contributions to the systematics of fluorosilicates and fluorogermanates (2 articles)
- Corrigendum. Plant substances (1 article)
- Covalent Analogues of DNA Base-Pairs and Triplets (3 articles)
- Crystallization equilibria (2 articles)
- Crystallization of Pentaerythritol (2 articles)
- Crystallochemical behaviour of ions in garnet lattice (1 article)
- Cyanato-Kupfer(II)-Komplexe mit organischen Liganden (1 article)
- Cyclo- and cyclized diene polymers (5 articles)
- Cytostatic 6-Arylpurine Nucleosides (4 articles)
- Cytostatic and Antiviral 6-Arylpurine Ribonucleosides (2 articles)
- Darstellung und Studium von Phosphiten (1 article)
- Darstellung unspezifisch mit 14C markierter Verbindungen durch Biosynthese (3 articles)
- Das elektrische Moment der Amidogruppe (1 article)
- Das polarographische Verhalten des Wasserstoffes in nichtwässrigen Lösungsmitteln (1 article)
- Das System Schwefeldioxyd-Dimethylanilin (2 articles)
- Deoxyribonuclease II from avian leukemic myeloblasts (2 articles)
- Deoxyribonucleic acids in solution (6 articles)
- Dependence of the adsorption of organic compounds at the dropping mercury electrode on the structure (1 article)
- Dependence of the equilibrium compositions of phases in multicomponent systems (1 article)
- Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe (4 articles)
- Der biologische Abbau von Phenolen (1 article)
- Der Zerfall der Nitrosamine und Nitramine in protogenen Lösungsmitteln (1 article)
- Derivate des Carbazols (3 articles)
- Derivate des Pyrons, Pyridons und Pyridins (4 articles)
- Derivatives of benzo(c)fluorene (2 articles)
- Derivatives of oximes (2 articles)
- Dérivés des stéroides (1 article)
- Desoxysugars (2 articles)
- Determination of biogenic elements in a plant material by X-ray spectroscopy (1 article)
- Determination of the degree of branching in alkanes by infrared spectroscopy (3 articles)
- Determination of thermodynamic functions by means of infrared spectroscopy (1 article)
- Determination of toxic substances and their metabolites in biological fluids by gas chromatography (1 article)
- Diäthyldithiokarbamat als Massreagenz (1 article)
- Diazo coupling at nitrogen (1 article)
- Die Anwendung organischer Schwefelverbindungen in der Massanalyse (1 article)
- Die Anwendung von Aminoverbindungen in der Polarographie anorganischer Stoffe (5 articles)
- Die Anwendung von Chlordioxydlösung (1 article)
- Die bildung des Äthylacetates durch die Hefe (2 articles)
- Die Biosynthese der Karotenoide im Hefepilz (1 article)
- Die Chromatographie aromatischer Isomeren (4 articles)
- Die Hydrolyse der C-C-Bindung in einigen β-Halogenketonen (1 article)
- Die Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen (1 article)
- Die kolorimetrisch-chromatographische Ultramikroanalyse von Gasen (1 article)
- Die Komplexometrie in der organischen Analyse (5 articles)
- Die Oxydation des Brenzcatechins (1 article)
- Die Photooxydation der Bluteiweisstoffe (2 articles)
- Die Polarographie einiger Schwefelverbindungen (2 articles)
- Die Polymerisation von ε-Caprolactam mit Alkalicarbonaten (3 articles)
- Die Reaktionen von Aminosäuren mit Schwefelkohlenstoff (4 articles)
- Die Reduktion von Pyridinbasen durch Ameisensäure (8 articles)
- Die spezifische polarographische Reaktion des Albumins (1 article)
- Diene polymerization with complex catalysts (3 articles)
- Diffusion of gases in liquids (3 articles)
- Direct method for determining parameters in intermolecular pair potentials from PVT data and from thermodynamic properties of dilute gases (1 article)
- Dissociation of anions AlF63- in systems containing Li3AlF6 (2 articles)
- Dissociation Time of Chemical Bond (1 article)
- Distribution of liquid over a random packing (7 articles)
- Drop coalescence (2 articles)
- Durch Radioisotope markierte biochemisch bedeutungsvolle Substanzen (2 articles)
- Dynamic properties of fluidized beds (3 articles)
- Dynamics of Electrodiffusion Friction Probes (2 articles)
- Effect of aconitine on the metabolism of animal tissues (2 articles)
- Effect of internal diffusion on catalytic reactions (6 articles)
- Effect of precipitation and aging on porous structure of aluminium hydroxide (2 articles)
- Eigenschaften der Orthoüberjodsäure (3 articles)
- Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Papierchromatographie anorganischer Substanzen (1 article)
- Einäquivalente Oxydationen (4 articles)
- Eine Modifikation der Frankland-Reaction (2 articles)
- Einfluss adsorbierbarer Stoffe auf die polarographischen Ströme (3 articles)
- Einfluss der durch Dismutation hervorgerufenen Regeneration des Depolarisators auf die polarographischen Ströme (2 articles)
- Einfluss der Porendiffusion auf katalytische Reaktionen (3 articles)
- Einige Probleme der quantitativen Niederschlagsausscheidung aus einer Lösung (2 articles)
- Electric and magnetic properties of organic semiconductors (1 article)
- Electrochemical behavior of blood (1 article)
- Electrochemical reduction of compounds with A-N=C-C=N- group (1 article)
- Electron spin resonance spectra of aliphatic fluoroalkyl radicals in polycrystalline state (2 articles)
- Electronic structure and properties of polynuclear aromatic ketones and quinones (3 articles)
- Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives (15 articles)
- Elektroanalyse mittels Isotopenverdünnung (1 article)
- Elektromigrationsmethoden (3 articles)
- Elementaranalyse organischer quecksilberhaltiger Substanzen (5 articles)
- Elementary analysis of mercury-containing organic compounds (1 article)
- Elution chromatography on cation exchangers (3 articles)
- Entaktivierung des WS2-NiS-Al2O3-Katalysators durch Arsen (3 articles)
- Enthalpy data of liquids (1 article)
- Enzymes in amino acid metabolism (1 article)
- Enzymic degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid (2 articles)
- Enzymic inactivation of oxytocin (5 articles)
- Equilibria of heterogeneous reactions (2 articles)
- Erforschung der Elektrodenvorgänge an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode mit Hilfe einer diskontinuierlich veränderten Polarisationsspannung (2 articles)
- Ergot alkaloids (6 articles)
- Esterification of benzenecarboxylic acid with ethylene glycol (2 articles)
- Étude de quelques alcools aminés supérieurs (1 article)
- Examination of the Conditions of Extraction of Toxic Organic Bases and of Methods of Their Determination (1 article)
- Examination of the metabolism of tropane alkaloids (1 article)
- Experimentaluntersuchung des Charakters von Cadmiumbromidlösungen in nichtwässrigen Lösungsmitteln (1 article)
- Experiments in the furan series (16 articles)
- Extraction of hafnium (1 article)
- Extraktion von Elementen aus einer Schwefelsäure- und Kaliumbromidlösung in nichtpolare Lösungsmittel (1 article)
- Extraktion von Ionenassoziaten (1 article)
- Farbreaktion von Phenolen mit 4-Aminoantipyrin (3 articles)
- Farbumschläge chemischer Indikatoren (1 article)
- Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulfur bonds (11 articles)
- Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds (1 article)
- Flotierbarkeit des Graphits (3 articles)
- Flotierbarkeit von Fluorit und Baryt (4 articles)
- Flow electrolyzers (6 articles)
- Fluidization of polydisperse materials (1 article)
- Fluids of Hard Nonspherical Molecules (2 articles)
- Fluorescence Reagents for Labelling of Biomolecules (3 articles)
- Fluorescenz-Spektren der Kondensationsprodukte des Salicylaldehyds und ihrer Salze (3 articles)
- Fluoreszierende Derivate des 1,2,3-Triazols (8 articles)
- Fluorimetrie (2 articles)
- Folic acid metabolism (6 articles)
- Fotooxydation der Bluteiweisskörper (1 article)
- Fraktionierung von Polymethylmethacrylat durch Fällungschromatographie (1 article)
- Full configuration interaction for the π-electronic model of benzene (2 articles)
- Furan derivatives (2 articles)
- Ganglionic blocking agents (3 articles)
- Ganglioplegica (3 articles)
- Gas-liquid reactors (1 article)
- Gaschromatographie stickstoffhaltiger heterocyclischer Verbindungen (1 article)
- Gegenstromelektrophorese auf Papier (5 articles)
- Gleichgewicht Flüssigkeit-Dampf in Systemen elektrolytischer Komponenten (1 article)
- Gleichgewicht Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit (1 article)
- Glykoside von Heterocyclen (1 article)
- Gould-Jacobs Reaction of 5- and 6-Amino-2-substituted Benzoxazoles (3 articles)
- Hafnium(IV)-Extraktion (1 article)
- Halogenokomplexe des Rutheniums mit Pyridin und dessen Methylhomologen (4 articles)
- Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis (12 articles)
- Heat transfer in laminar flow (4 articles)
- Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure-Komplexen (9 articles)
- Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten (20 articles)
- Herzglykoside der Seidenpflanze (Asclepias syriaca L.) (2 articles)
- Herzwirksame Glykoside (2 articles)
- Heterogeneous inorganic systems (1 article)
- Higher-valency ions and the activity (1 article)
- Homologues of pyridine (1 article)
- Hydraulic analog for the study of heat exchangers (2 articles)
- Hydrazin sulphate as titrimetric reagent. (Hydrazinometry) (2 articles)
- Hydrierung von Kohlendioxid an Nickelkatalysatoren (1 article)
- Hydroboration of unsaturated amines (7 articles)
- Hydrodynamics of plate columns (10 articles)
- Hydrogenation of carbon dioxide on nickel catalysts (2 articles)
- Hydrogenation of Fatty Acid Esters (3 articles)
- Hydrogenolyse stickstoffhaltiger Heterocyclen an Molybdändisulfid (2 articles)
- Hydrogenolysis of saturated hydrocarbons on a nickel catalyst (1 article)
- Hydrolyse von Uranyl (2 articles)
- Hydrolysengeschwindigkeit der Monohalogenalkansäuren in wässrigen Lösungen (2 articles)
- Identification of organic compounds (1 article)
- Identifizierung organischer Stoffe (1 article)
- Identifizierung organischer Substanzen (3 articles)
- Identifizierung organischer Substanzen mittels definierter Pyrolyse unter den Bedingungen der Gaschromatographie (1 article)
- Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen (35 articles)
- Imidazole dyes (18 articles)
- Iminodiessigsäure (1 article)
- Indole derivatives in plants containing ascorbigen (2 articles)
- Influence of water upon the rate of cationic polymerization of styrene (2 articles)
- Infrared analysis of polyisoprene (3 articles)
- Infrared spectra of aluminium trialkyl complexes with alkali metal fluorides (1 article)
- Instantaneous polarographic currents (1 article)
- Interaction of the α- and β-chains of hemoglobin (1 article)
- Interactions of deoxyribonucleic acids with basic proteins (2 articles)
- Interphase transport processes (4 articles)
- Investigation of hydrogenation in liquid phase (7 articles)
- Investigation of iron molybdate catalysts (1 article)
- Investigation of the conditions of negative thixotropy of poly(methyl methacrylate) solutions in low-viscosity solvents (2 articles)
- Investigation on Cyclic Reciprocal Derivative Chronopotentiometry (1 article)
- Investigations on the constitution of the aqueous pink and blue cobaltous chloride solutions (2 articles)
- Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media (8 articles)
- Ion radicals (1 article)
- Ion-exchange capillaries (2 articles)
- Ionenaustauschergerüste (3 articles)
- Isolation and chemistry of the alkaloids from some plants of the genus Papaver (11 articles)
- Isomerisation of nitroolefines (1 article)
- Isomerism of nickel(II) complexes (2 articles)
- Isonitrosoacetarylides and isatins (4 articles)
- Isostrukturelle isometallische Chelate (1 article)
- Isothiocyanates and their synthetic producers (5 articles)
- Isotopic dilution electroanalysis (1 article)
- Katalysierte Elektrodenreaktionen in der Polarographie (5 articles)
- Katalytische Entalkylierung von alkylaromatischen Verbindungen (0 article)
- Kettenverlängerung der Säuren um fünf Kohlenstoffatome (1 article)
- Kinetic of the reaction between the solid sodium carbonate and the gaseous sulphur dioxide (1 article)
- Kinetic Study of Alkaline Hydrolysis of Substituted Phenyl Tosylates (1 article)
- Kinetic Study of Hydrolysis of Benzoates (2 articles)
- Kinetics and adsorption on acid catalysts (3 articles)
- Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling (16 articles)
- Kinetics and mechanism of exchange reactions of oxygen (2 articles)
- Kinetics and mechanism of sulphur dioxide oxidation on a vanadium catalyst (3 articles)
- Kinetics of adsorption (5 articles)
- Kinetics of complex heterogeneous catalytic reactions (5 articles)
- Kinetics of electrode processes (8 articles)
- Kinetics of electrode processes of complexes in polarography (1 article)
- Kinetics of ion exchange (3 articles)
- Kinetics of the etherification of phenol alcohols (2 articles)
- Kinetics of the reaction between the solid sodium carbonate and the gaseous sulphur dioxide (4 articles)
- Kinetik der Elektrodenvorgänge (2 articles)
- Kinetik der Elektrodenvorgänge bei Komplexen in der Polarographie (6 articles)
- Kinetik der Reaktion des Stickoxids mit Sauerstoff (2 articles)
- Kinetik der Reaktionen des Thioharnstoffes mit Formaldehyd (1 article)
- Kinetik des Ionenaustausches (6 articles)
- Kinetik und Mechanismus der Azokupplung (4 articles)
- Kinetische Oxydations-Reduktions-Titrationen (2 articles)
- Kinetische Oxydationsreduktionstitration (1 article)
- Kolorimetrisch-chromatographische Ultramikroanalyse von Gasen (2 articles)
- Kolorimetrische Untersuchungen (2 articles)
- Kombinations der Gaschromatographie und der Absorptions-Spektralmethoden für die Analyse organischer Stoffe (2 articles)
- Komplexe der dreiwertigen Metalle der dritten Gruppe des Periodensystems (2 articles)
- Komplexe Halogenosalze der Schwermetalle (1 article)
- Komplexometrie in der organischen Analyse (4 articles)
- Komplexometrische Titrationen (Chelatometrie) (49 articles)
- Komplexverbindungen des Rutheniums mit fünfzähligen heterocyclischen Basen (3 articles)
- Komponenten der Nucleinsäuren und ihre Analoge (3 articles)
- Kondensationsreaktionen von Aldoltypus (5 articles)
- Konduktometrische Titrationen in der Chelatometrie (2 articles)
- Koordinationsverbindungen von organischen Oxosubstanzen (11 articles)
- Korrosionsstudium (22 articles)
- Kristallisationsgleichgewichte (7 articles)
- Kupfer(II)-phosphite (2 articles)
- Laboratoriumsmässige Gegenstromextraktionen im Mixer-Settler (1 article)
- Lactones (16 articles)
- Lichtstreuung (3 articles)
- Light scattering (8 articles)
- Light scattering by colloid solutions in an electric field (2 articles)
- Liquid distribution in trickle bed reactors (1 article)
- Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Multicomponent Polymer Systems (1 article)
- Liquid-vapour equilibrium (27 articles)
- Liquid-vapour equilibrium in systems of electrolytic components (4 articles)
- Local anesthetics (6 articles)
- Localization of energy in radiolysis of solutions (5 articles)
- Long-acting sulphonamides (2 articles)
- Magnetic Linear Birefringence in Rare Earth Systems (1 article)
- Magnetochemie (2 articles)
- Mangan-magnesiumferrite (4 articles)
- Manganferrite (1 article)
- Mass spectrometry of uronic acid derivatives (2 articles)
- Massanalytische Bestimmungen in stark alkalischem Medium (1 article)
- Measurement of diffusion in binary nonelectrolyte solutions by the diaphragm method with in situ analysis (2 articles)
- Measurement of soft β-radiation in biological material with the aid of liquid scintillators (2 articles)
- Mechanism and kinetics of hydrolysis of monohalogenoalcanoic acids in solutions of mineral acids (1 article)
- Mechanism of antibiotic action (12 articles)
- Mechanism of carbon-halogen bond cleavage (1 article)
- Mechanism of resistance to 5-azacytidine in Bacillus subtilis (2 articles)
- Mechanism of three-dimensional polymerization of glycol methacrylates (2 articles)
- Melanin Concentrating Hormone Analogs: Contraction of the Cyclic Structure (1 article)
- Membrane filtration of gases (2 articles)
- Metabolic alterations of liver regeneration (2 articles)
- Metabolism of 2-deoxy-D-glucose by Baker's yeast (2 articles)
- Metabolism of folic acid (4 articles)
- Metabolismus des Glutathions und verwandter Stoffe (1 article)
- Metal complexes of thiopolycarboxylic acids (3 articles)
- Metallochromic indicators (9 articles)
- Metallsalze des Salicylaldehyd-Salicyloylhydrazons (1 article)
- Methods of separation of natural products (1 article)
- Microheterogeneous catalytic system Ni(0)col-Ni(I)-Ni(II) for low pressure polymerization of butadiene (4 articles)
- Mikrobielle Umwandlungen der Steroide (1 article)
- Mn-Mo-O Catalysts for Methanol Oxidation (2 articles)
- MO study of Td-D4h equilibrium in complexes of transition metals (1 article)
- Model compounds of hydrophilic gels (2 articles)
- Model of packed absorption column (1 article)
- Modelling of chemical reactors (8 articles)
- Modelling of Steam Cracking (1 article)
- Modifikationen der Frankland-Reaktion (2 articles)
- Molekularkomplexe mit Wasserstoffbindungen (1 article)
- Molten antimony trichloride as a solvent for electrochemical studies (2 articles)
- Multistage column reactors (8 articles)
- Multivariate Regression with Substituent Shift Increments (2 articles)
- Mutterkornalkaloide (19 articles)
- Mutual dependence of the equilibrium compositions of phases in multicomponent system (1 article)
- N-Diazokupplung (1 article)
- N-nitrosation of primary aromatic amines (5 articles)
- Natural and synthetic materials with the insect hormone activity (6 articles)
- Neue Farbstoffe und Farbstoffzwischenprodukte (1 article)
- Neue Fluoreszenzindikatoren (3 articles)
- Neue Komplexane (4 articles)
- Neurotropic and psychotropic substances (62 articles)
- New complex-forming reagents in polarography (2 articles)
- Nitrierung der Naphthalinsulfonsäuren (2 articles)
- Nitrophenoxazine als Indikatoren in Acetonitril (2 articles)
- Nitrosamine sekundärer Amine (1 article)
- NMR spectra and the reactivity of organic compounds (3 articles)
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics (3 articles)
- Non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymer (1 article)
- Non-Newtonian flow in channels of annular cross section (1 article)
- Non-Newtonian fluids (3 articles)
- Nonconventional Friedel-Crafts chemistry (2 articles)
- Notices phytochimiques (2 articles)
- Nucleic acids (2 articles)
- Nucleic acids components and their analogues (158 articles)
- Nucleolytic enzymes of rape seedlings (1 article)
- Nucleoside H-Phosphonates (1 article)
- Nucleoside und verwandte Verbindungen (1 article)
- Olefinierungen mit Phosphor-yliden (1 article)
- Oligonucleotidic compounds (45 articles)
- On alkaloids (16 articles)
- On benzimidazoles (4 articles)
- On derivatives of pyrone, pyridone and pyridine (1 article)
- On dihydropyridines (23 articles)
- On haemoglobin (6 articles)
- On haemoglobin biosynthesis (1 article)
- On hemoglobin (2 articles)
- On hydrogenation and dehydrogenation catalysts (3 articles)
- On hydropyridines (2 articles)
- On natural waxes (15 articles)
- On phthalides and indandiones (11 articles)
- On plant substances (1 article)
- On proteins (97 articles)
- On proteins and amino-acids (15 articles)
- On sesquiterpenes (1 article)
- On steroids (152 articles)
- On stochastics of adsorption on a homogeneous surface (1 article)
- On terpenes (200 articles)
- On the behaviour and the reactivity of solutions of complex hydrides (7 articles)
- On the bound form of ascorbic acid (6 articles)
- On the chemistry of 1,2,4-triazine (1 article)
- On the chemistry of metal hydrides (2 articles)
- On the chemistry of sandwich complexes (2 articles)
- On the constitution of the Fe-C-Si system (1 article)
- On the electrolytic reduction of some ketoacids (3 articles)
- On the interaction of amides with water (1 article)
- On the mechanism of action of maltase of the mould Aspergillus niger (2 articles)
- On the mechanism of dehydration of secondary alcohols over alumina catalyst (2 articles)
- On the rearrangement of aromatic hydrazo compounds (1 article)
- On the skeletons of ion exchangers (2 articles)
- On the structure and properties of polyamides (29 articles)
- On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models (15 articles)
- On the structure of lead(II) complexes in aqueous solutions (2 articles)
- On the synthesis of pseudoconhydrine (1 article)
- On the theory of activity of Ziegler-Natta catalysts [TiCl4 + Al(i-C4H9)3] (3 articles)
- On the theory of macroradical termination (4 articles)
- On the use of hypohalogenites in volumetric analysis (3 articles)
- Organic compounds of fluorine (14 articles)
- Organic herbicides (4 articles)
- Organic light-sensitive compounds (5 articles)
- Organische Nitrate (1 article)
- Organische quantitative Analyse (21 articles)
- Organische Siliciumverbindungen (1 article)
- Organo-silicon compounds (1 article)
- Organogermanium compounds (11 articles)
- Organosiliciumverbindungen (36 articles)
- Organosilicon compounds (58 articles)
- Oscillographic polarography with rectangular alternating current (4 articles)
- Oszillographische Strom-Spannungs-Kurven (2 articles)
- Oxazines as acidobasic indicators (7 articles)
- Oxidation of bromide ions with chlorine in eutectic melt of lithium and potassium chlorides (2 articles)
- Oxidation of pyrocatechol (2 articles)
- Oxidation of sulphur dioxide on vanadium catalyst in the region of internal diffusion (2 articles)
- Oxidations with chromium(VI) oxide (8 articles)
- Oximderivate (3 articles)
- Oxime derivatives (3 articles)
- Oxydation karzinogener Azofarbstoffe (9 articles)
- Oxydation von Brenzcatechin (2 articles)
- Oxydation von polyalkylierten Aromaten (2 articles)
- Oxydation von Pyrocatechin (1 article)
- Oxydationen mit Chromtrioxyd (4 articles)
- Oxygen cathodes based on carbon promoted with silver (1 article)
- P-V-T relations in solutions of liquid non-electrolytes (3 articles)
- Paper chromatography of flavonoids from hops (Humulus lupulus L.) (2 articles)
- Papierchromatographie mit Einphasen-Systemen (3 articles)
- Papierelektrophorese von Komplexverbindungen des Formaldoxims mit Metallen (1 article)
- Parasympathomimetica (1 article)
- Partition chromatography between two organic solvents (1 article)
- Partition chromatography of uranium and fission products on a porous styrene-divinyl benzene copolymer swollen in tributylphosphate solution (1 article)
- Penning ionization electron spectroscopy (2 articles)
- Peptide Inhibitors of Aspartic Proteinases with Hydroxyethylene Isostere Replacement of Peptide Bond (2 articles)
- Pharmakologisch interessante Pyridinderivate (1 article)
- Phase Stability of Hydrogen-Bonded Polymer Mixtures (2 articles)
- Phenothiazin-derivate (2 articles)
- Phosphatases (1 article)
- Photo-fries rearrangement (2 articles)
- Photo-Polarographie (1 article)
- Photochemical cycloaddition reactions (1 article)
- Photochemie von Farbstoffen und Zwischenprodukten (1 article)
- Photometrische Mikrotitrationen (1 article)
- Photooxidation of blood proteins (1 article)
- Photooxydation der Bluteiweisskörper (3 articles)
- Photooxydation der Eiweisskörper (1 article)
- Photooxydation einer nichtidentifizierten Komponente des Holz-Acetons (3 articles)
- Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds (15 articles)
- Picogram techniques (1 article)
- Pikogramm-Verfahren (2 articles)
- Plant substances (29 articles)
- Plutonium-, Uran- und Zirkoniumextraktion aus komplexbildende Substanzen enthaltenden Lösungen (2 articles)
- Polarographic behaviour of certain chromium complexes (1 article)
- Polarographic behaviour of halogen derivatives of alkyl- and arylstannanes (1 article)
- Polarographic investigation of the cystine-cysteine system (1 article)
- Polarographic investigations of passivity (1 article)
- Polarographic reaction of proteins and peptides (2 articles)
- Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones (7 articles)
- Polarographic reduction of polysulphides (1 article)
- Polarographic studies in aqueous melts (1 article)
- Polarographic studies of nitrosyl compounds (5 articles)
- Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury electrode (11 articles)
- Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode (81 articles)
- Polarographic study of the substitution reactions of the chelates of triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid (2 articles)
- Polarographie aromatischer heterocyclischer Verbindungen (9 articles)
- Polarographie der Alkaloide (3 articles)
- Polarographie der Derivate der Barbitursäure (4 articles)
- Polarographie der Harnstoff- und Thioharnstoffderivate (5 articles)
- Polarographie der Pterine (5 articles)
- Polarographie der Steroide (3 articles)
- Polarographie einiger Schwefelverbindungen (2 articles)
- Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt (12 articles)
- Polarographie in konzentrierter Schwefelsäure (1 article)
- Polarographie in wasserfreier Essigsäure (2 articles)
- Polarographische Daueranalysatoren (4 articles)
- Polarographische Halbstufenpotentiale (6 articles)
- Polarographische Maxima (1 article)
- Polarographische Momentanströme (3 articles)
- Polarographische Reduktion anorganischer sauerstoffhaltiger Anionen (1 article)
- Polarographische Reduktion von Eisen(III)-Ionen in Gegenwart von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure und Wasserstoffperoxyd (3 articles)
- Polarographische Ströme bei periodisch geänderter Spannung (2 articles)
- Polarographische Studie der Elektroden- und chemischen Reaktionen im System schwefelige Säure-dithionige Säure (2 articles)
- Polarographische Studien mit der tropfenden Quecksilberelektrode (1 article)
- Polarographische Studien mit der tropfenden Quecksilberkathode (5 articles)
- Polarographische und polarometrische Studie einiger Edelmetalle (2 articles)
- Polarographische Verfolgung der Substitutionsreaktionen anorganischer Komplexe (1 article)
- Polarographisches Verhalten einiger Chromkomplexe (5 articles)
- Polarographisches Verhalten von Wasserstoff in nichtwässrigen Lösungsmitteln (1 article)
- Polarography in concentrated sulfuric acid (1 article)
- Polarography of alkaloids (2 articles)
- Polarography of heterocyclic aromatic compounds (8 articles)
- Polarography of nonbenzenoid aromatic and related substances (6 articles)
- Polarography of titanium (1 article)
- Polarography of urea and thiourea derivatives (1 article)
- Polarograpic studies with the dropping mercury kathode (1 article)
- Polymerisation von Propylen (1 article)
- Potentiometrische und polarometrische Titrationen unter Anwendung von Tetraphenylboranat (2 articles)
- Precipitation and coprecipitation in the presence of chelating agents (7 articles)
- Prediction of the katharometer relative molar response (2 articles)
- Preparation of dienes by pyrolysis of cyclic compounds (5 articles)
- Preparation of radioactively labelled condensation aerosols (4 articles)
- Principal Component Regression with Chemical Shift Increments (1 article)
- Properties and Reactivity of First and Second Row Hydrides (2 articles)
- Properties of chemisorbed hydrocarbon layers on metals (1 article)
- Properties of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminum hydride (12 articles)
- Properties of the ternary complex between polylysyl transfer ribonucleic acid, ribosome and polyadenylic acid (1 article)
- Protein interactions (37 articles)
- Proteinases of the Ehrlich ascites tumour (5 articles)
- Proteins and amino-acids (1 article)
- Protonation of polyacid organic bases (6 articles)
- Purine derivatives (4 articles)
- Pyrenderivate (1 article)
- Pyrolysis of vinylic polymers (1 article)
- Pyrroles, pyrrolines, and pyrrolidines (1 article)
- Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (16 articles)
- Quantitative elutionslose Papierchromatogramm- und Elektrophoreogrammauswertung (2 articles)
- Quantitative gas chromatographic analysis (2 articles)
- Quantitative studies in stereochemistry (1 article)
- Quantitative treatments of substituent effects in polarography (6 articles)
- Quantum chemical data (1 article)
- Quantum chemical study of transannular interaction (4 articles)
- Quinazolinone derivatives of biological interest (1 article)
- Radiation chemistry of liquid acetone (3 articles)
- Radical additions to olefin derivatives (5 articles)
- Radiochemical isolations (5 articles)
- Radiochemical study of the sorption of trace elements (10 articles)
- Radiochemische Analysen mit Hilfe von Adsorptionsplatten (1 article)
- Radioluminiscence in organic liquids (2 articles)
- Radiotracer technique in adsorption study (1 article)
- Reaction equilibrium of polyanhydride formation (3 articles)
- Reaction of amines on acid catalysts (4 articles)
- Reaction of d-sabinol with selenium dioxide (2 articles)
- Reaction of isothiocyanates with amino acids, peptides and proteins (4 articles)
- Reactions in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride (5 articles)
- Reactions in fused salts (8 articles)
- Reactions of 1,3-dichloro-2-butene (4 articles)
- Reactions of amines with epoxy group (3 articles)
- Reactions of carboxylic acids with ethylene oxide (2 articles)
- Reactions of chlorinated furanidines (10 articles)
- Reactions of enamines (4 articles)
- Reactions of methacrylaldehyde-styrene copolymer (4 articles)
- Reactions of nitrosophenols (2 articles)
- Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series (6 articles)
- Reactivity of methyl groups on heterocyclic nuclei (1 article)
- Reactivity of organic azo-compounds (9 articles)
- Reactivity of triformylmethane (1 article)
- Reaktion der Amide mit Formaldehyd (1 article)
- Reaktion der Molybdänphosphorsäure mit den Dihydroxybenzolen (1 article)
- Reaktion der Steroide mit tert-Butylperbenzoat (1 article)
- Reaktion des Kaliumperoxodisulfats mit Metallchelaten (2 articles)
- Reaktion von Hydroxylamin mit Vanadinionen (2 articles)
- Reaktion von Phosphin und unterphosphoriger Säure mit Aldehyden (3 articles)
- Reaktionen der Amide mit Formaldehyd (3 articles)
- Reaktionen der Diazoketone (3 articles)
- Reaktionen der Enamine (8 articles)
- Reaktionen der Polymere in fester Phase (6 articles)
- Reaktionen des Ketens (4 articles)
- Reaktionen in bestrahlten wässrigen Suspensionen von Zinkoxyd (2 articles)
- Reaktionen sehr reiner Substanzen (2 articles)
- Reaktionen und Salzbildung des Gallocyanins (1 article)
- Reaktionen und Salzbildung von 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolon (1 article)
- Reaktionen von Radikalen in Gegenwart von Thallium(I)-Ionen (2 articles)
- Reaktionsgeschwindigkeitsmessungen mit dem Polarographen (1 article)
- Réarrangements acido-catalysés de diols 5α,6β et 5α,6α en série diméthyl-4,4 stéroide (1 article)
- Rectification with a chemical reaction (2 articles)
- Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes (4 articles)
- Redox reactions of complexes of cations in higher oxidation states (3 articles)
- Reduced potential curves of first row diatomic molecules (2 articles)
- Reduction of secondary p-toluenesulfonyloxy groups with lithium aluminum hydride in sugar series (3 articles)
- Relation between chemical structure and insecticidal activity in pyrethroid compounds (2 articles)
- Relations between the electronic structure of inorganic depolarisers and their polarographic behaviour (9 articles)
- Relationship between chemical structure and insecticidal activity in the series of pyrethroide substances (3 articles)
- Researches on quinazolines (2 articles)
- Researches on thiazoles (2 articles)
- Researches on unsaturated ketonic acids (1 article)
- Residence time distribution in laminar flow systems (2 articles)
- Reversible electrophoretic boundary spreading in solutions of polyelectrolytes (2 articles)
- Revision of the atomic weight of arsenic (1 article)
- S-Alkylisothiuronium hydrogen carbonates (2 articles)
- Salt formation of 4-isonitrosopyrazolones (9 articles)
- Salt-formation by semioxamazones (2 articles)
- Salze der Überjodsäure (7 articles)
- Schwefelanaloga von Tropan-Derivaten (1 article)
- Selective ion exchangers derived from resorcylaldehyde (2 articles)
- Selective ion exchangers with isonitrosoacetamide functional groups (2 articles)
- Selective ion-exchange resin based on resacetophenonoxime (1 article)
- Self-consistent iterative technique for bond length calculations (3 articles)
- Semiempirical quantum chemical calculations on polyenic hydrocarbons (1 article)
- Separation methods for natural products (8 articles)
- Sequential arrangement of polynucleotides (1 article)
- Similarity in statistical thermodynamics (5 articles)
- Similarity of non-Newtonian flows (6 articles)
- Solubility of electrolytes (4 articles)
- Solution properties of branched polymers (2 articles)
- Solvent effects on kinetics and mechanism of acid-catalyzed decomposition of 1,3-bis(4-methylphenyl)triazene (2 articles)
- Solvolysis of benzylidene derivatives (4 articles)
- Sorption of cations from complexonate medium (3 articles)
- Sorption of the polyvalent elements on silica gel (5 articles)
- Sorption radioaktiver Isotopen an Niederschlägen (14 articles)
- Sorption von Metallkomplexen an Silicagel (4 articles)
- Specific interactions in solutions of polymers (4 articles)
- Spectrochemical analysis of radioactive substances (1 article)
- Spectrochromatography (2 articles)
- Spezifische polarographische Reaktion des Serumalbumins (1 article)
- Spiroheterocyclic Systems (2 articles)
- Stability constants of rare earths complexes (1 article)
- Statistics of the enthalpy-entropy relationship (3 articles)
- Stereochemical studies (64 articles)
- Sterically crowded heterocycles (13 articles)
- Steroid derivatives (60 articles)
- Strahlungschemie von wässrigen Lösungen organischer Halogenderivate (4 articles)
- Streaming birefringence (6 articles)
- Stress Whitening in Polypropylene (1 article)
- Strömung thixotroper Substanzen bei Vibration (1 article)
- Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels (14 articles)
- Structure and properties of sulfur-containing compounds (5 articles)
- Studie lokaler Anästhetika (1 article)
- Studie über die Biosynthese der Citronensäure (1 article)
- Studie über die Intensifizierung der Elektrolyseure (1 article)
- Studie über Faserfilter (1 article)
- Studien in der Vitamin-K- und Vitamin-E-Reihe (18 articles)
- Studien über Lokalanästhetika (1 article)
- Studien über Reaktionen des kristallisierten Trypsins (1 article)
- Studies in mixing (1 article)
- Studies in the chloramphenicol series (6 articles)
- Studies in the pyridine series (39 articles)
- Studies in the quinoxaline series (6 articles)
- Studies in the thiophene series (6 articles)
- Studies of adsorption mechanism on zeolites of the faujasite type by infrared spectroscopy (1 article)
- Studies of bio-oxidation (5 articles)
- Studies of solute-solvent interactions (3 articles)
- Studies on anticoagulants (9 articles)
- Studies on blood proteins (1 article)
- Studies on deoxyribonucleic acids (3 articles)
- Studies on distillation (7 articles)
- Studies on extraction (8 articles)
- Studies on granular materials (6 articles)
- Studies on hydrolyzable carbides (1 article)
- Studies on mixing (36 articles)
- Studies on succinic dehydrogenase (4 articles)
- Studies on system engineering (2 articles)
- Studies on the inductive effect (6 articles)
- Studium der Alterung von Naturkautschuk mittels Infrarotspektroskopie (2 articles)
- Studium der katalytischen Wirksamkeit des Kupfer(I)-Chlorids (1 article)
- Studium der polaren und sterischen Einflüsse auf die Reaktionen der Anthrachinonderivate (3 articles)
- Studium der Potentiale der Phasengrenzen Mineral-Lösung für Zwecke der Flotationsforschung (4 articles)
- Study of aurones (3 articles)
- Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes (15 articles)
- Study of Cr(CN)5NO3- (2 articles)
- Study of exchange extraction equilibrium Cs + H ⇄ Cs + H between aqueous and nitrobenzene phase (1 article)
- Study of intermolecular action in liquids (6 articles)
- Study of the azo-hydrazone tautomeric equilibrium by electronic spectroscopy and quantum chemistry (2 articles)
- Study of the conditions for extraction of toxic organic basis and methods of determination (2 articles)
- Study of the growth centres of the anionic polymerization of (meth)acrylates (1 article)
- Study of the kinetics of electrode processes by means of electrolysis with constant current (19 articles)
- Study on the behaviour and the reactivity of solutions of complex hydrides (1 article)
- Substances isolated from the plants of the subfamily Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives (15 articles)
- Substances of Colchicum plants and their derivatives (11 articles)
- Substances with antineoplastic activity (33 articles)
- Substituent effects in infrared spectroscopy (3 articles)
- Substitution von Liganden in Makrokomplexen (5 articles)
- Sulfonphthaleine (2 articles)
- Sulfurierungen (13 articles)
- Sur la formation des sels d'amidoximes (1 article)
- Sur la réduction du noyau pyridique par l'acide formique (1 article)
- Surface tension of binary solutions of non-electrolytes (6 articles)
- Sydnones and sydnonimines (1 article)
- Synthese einiger Saligeninäther (1 article)
- Synthesen auf dem Gebiet der Nitramine (6 articles)
- Synthesen von mit Isotopen markierten Verbindungen (3 articles)
- Syntheses in the allolupinane series (6 articles)
- Syntheses in the estrogenic hormone group (22 articles)
- Syntheses with anhydro sugars (15 articles)
- Syntheses with Organoboranes (1 article)
- Synthesis in the group of nuphar alkaloids (1 article)
- Synthesis of Enantiomeric N-(2-Phosphonomethoxypropyl) Derivatives of Purine and Pyrimidine Bases (2 articles)
- Synthesis of exotoxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (2 articles)
- Synthesis, chemical properties and reactions of heterodienes (1 article)
- Synthetic antispasmodics (11 articles)
- Synthetic experiments in the group of hypotensive alkaloids (37 articles)
- Synthetic experiments in the histamine group (2 articles)
- Synthetic reactions of dimethylformamide (28 articles)
- Synthetic sympatholytics (1 article)
- Synthetische Analgetika (7 articles)
- Synthetische Analoga der Curare-Alkaloide (4 articles)
- Synthetische Stoffe mit uterotonischer Wirkung (1 article)
- Systeme Pyridinbase-Wasser-Lösungsmittel (1 article)
- Tables of quantum chemical data (14 articles)
- Termisches Verhalten der Peroxodiphosphate (1 article)
- Tetraäthylthiuramdisulfid als analytisches Reagenz (1 article)
- The action of Grignard reagent on the amide group (23 articles)
- The atomic weight of arsenic (1 article)
- The chemistry of 1,6-dioxaspiro[4,4]nonane (3 articles)
- The chemistry of sodium alkoxyaluminium hydrides (4 articles)
- The configuration of nitrogen-containing compounds (17 articles)
- The effect of free amino acids and related compounds on the activity of plant enzymes (2 articles)
- The Effect of Interparticle Heat and Mass Transfer on the Behaviour of Catalytic Adiabatic Reactors with Endothermic Reactions (1 article)
- The effect of solvents on the selectivity of electrophilic reagents (4 articles)
- The Effect of Surfactants on the Acid-Base Behaviour of Methyl Red (2 articles)
- The enzymic formation of hydroxamic acids from amides and peptides (3 articles)
- The growth of crystals by chemical transport of material (1 article)
- The influence of substituents on polymerization of seven-membered lactams (3 articles)
- The kinetics of adsorption from solutions (3 articles)
- The mechanism of the catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide on nickel oxide (2 articles)
- The methylated bases in deoxyribonucleic acids (2 articles)
- The nature of direct and indirect bilirubin (2 articles)
- The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers (4 articles)
- The pumping characteristics of screw rotors (3 articles)
- The reaction of DNA with mustards (2 articles)
- The reactions of trichloromethanesulfenyl chloride and its derivatives (7 articles)
- The reduced potential curves of heavy diatomic molecules (1 article)
- The Spectrophotometric Determination of Elements with Chromazurol S in the Presence of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide and Triton X-100 (2 articles)
- The use of azlactones in syntheses of heterocyclic compounds (1 article)
- The use of rotating disk electrodes for the study of the kinetics of sorption processes (2 articles)
- The velocities at incipient fluidization of polydisperse materials (2 articles)
- Theoretical Study of Bipolaron Dynamics in Polyparaphenylene (1 article)
- Theoretical Study of Solvent Effect on π-EDA Complexation (1 article)
- Theorie und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der polarographischen Maximaunterdrückung (2 articles)
- Theory of information as applied to analytical chemistry (4 articles)
- Theory of paper electrophoresis (3 articles)
- Theory of porous electrodes (4 articles)
- Theory of the radiation chemical yield (4 articles)
- Thermal and radiation stability of organic coolants (1 article)
- Thermic phosphorylations (4 articles)
- Thermische Zersetzung von MnCO3 (2 articles)
- Thermochemistry of nitriles (2 articles)
- Thermodynamic functions of organic compounds (3 articles)
- Thermodynamic properties of sulphites (2 articles)
- Thermodynamics of the proton dissociation (3 articles)
- Thermodynamische Funktionen des anharmonischen Oszillators und schwingenden Rotators (2 articles)
- Thiophan derivatives (1 article)
- Thiophanchemie (1 article)
- Thiophene derivatives (1 article)
- Thioquinazolone series (2 articles)
- Thioxo analogues of 6-azauracil (2 articles)
- Titration in nonaqueous solutions (4 articles)
- Titration mit Hydroxylamin (Hydroxylaminometrie) (1 article)
- Titrationen mit Hydrochinon und ähnlichen Reduktionsmitteln (8 articles)
- To the theory of radiation chemistry (4 articles)
- Traces of yttrium and lanthanides radionuclides in aqueous solutions (2 articles)
- Transcarboxylation reactions of salts of organic acids (9 articles)
- Transferrin aus Blutplasma (2 articles)
- Transition metal complexes of ligands containing azomethine group (3 articles)
- Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe (2 articles)
- Triterpenes (31 articles)
- Two-phase countercurrent flow through a bed of packing (9 articles)
- Über Bicyclo[3,3,1]nonan-Derivate (2 articles)
- Über den Hofmannschen Abbau quaternärer Basen und Salze mit ungesättigten Alkylen (8 articles)
- Über den Hofmannschen Abbau quaternärer bicyclischer Basen mit Stickstoff an der Verzweigungsstelle der Ringe (3 articles)
- Über den Magnesiumaufschluss organischer Substanzen (6 articles)
- Über den Metabolismus neoplastischer Gewebe (3 articles)
- Über Dextran (7 articles)
- Über die Abhängigkeit der Polymerisationsgeschwindigkeit des Isobutylens von der Azidität des Katalysators (2 articles)
- Über die Aktivität der Arginase (1 article)
- Über die Alkaloide von Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH (1 article)
- Über die Anwendung von Zeolithen in der Gaschromatographie (4 articles)
- Über die Bestimmung nichtreduzierender Zucker (2 articles)
- Über die Bildung von Sorbenten und Katalysatoren (8 articles)
- Über die Cyclisierung der Aminodicarbonsäuren (4 articles)
- Über die Differenzierung der Strukturphasen beim metallographischen Ätzen (1 article)
- Über die gebundene Form der Ascorbinsäure (1 article)
- Über die Hydrierung von Äthylen an Metallfilmen (1 article)
- Über die Kinetik der Elektrodenvorgänge (4 articles)
- Über die Komplexsalze des Formaldoxims (3 articles)
- Über die Oxydation der 1-p-Tolylaminonaphthalin-8-sulfonsäure (2 articles)
- Über die Oxydation von 1-Naphthylamin und 1-Naphthylamin-8-sulfonsäure mittels Cer(IV)-sulfats in wässriger saurer Lösung (2 articles)
- Über die Oxydation von 1-p-Tolylaminonaphthalin-7-sulfonsäure (1 article)
- Über die Oxydation von Schmierölen (2 articles)
- Über die Oxydation von Tolylblau SB (4 articles)
- Über die polarographische Reduzierbarkeit von Amidoximen (2 articles)
- Über die Reaktion des Hydroxylamins mit Cer(IV)-Ionen (2 articles)
- Über die Reaktion von Phosphin und unterphosphoriger Säure mit Aldehyden (2 articles)
- Über die Spaltung verzweigter tertiärer Basen (2 articles)
- Über die Umlagerung aromatischer Hydrazoverbindungen (4 articles)
- Über die Verschiebung der Doppelbindung in einigen Olefinen bei der Chromatographie an Silicagel und Aluminiumoxid (2 articles)
- Über die Verwendung von Metallreduktoren und Amalgamen in der chemischen Analyse (2 articles)
- Über die Zusammensetzung der Braunkohle (11 articles)
- Über die Zusammensetzung von Braunkohlen-Schwelteer (4 articles)
- Über eine neue Anwendung der Bredtschen Regel (2 articles)
- Über einige β-substituierte Chinuclidinderivate (1 article)
- Über einige β-substituierte Derivate des Chinuclidins (3 articles)
- Über Fettsäuren mit verzweigten Ketten (2 articles)
- Über insektizide organische Verbindungen des Phosphors (2 articles)
- Über Kaliumtellurate (2 articles)
- Über Kristallisation (12 articles)
- Über monomolekulare Filme (7 articles)
- Über N-Nitrosoderivate sekundärer Amine (1 article)
- Über Pyridinhomologe (2 articles)
- Über Reaktionskinetik und Eigenschaften nichtaromatischer Verbindungen in homologen Reihen (3 articles)
- Über Schwefelfarbstoffe (1 article)
- Über Stickstoff-Schwefelverbindungen (1 article)
- Über stickstoffhaltige Adamantanverbindungen (2 articles)
- Über stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen in Erdöl und Erdölfraktionen (1 article)
- Über Sulfolane (5 articles)
- Über ungesättigte quartäre Ammoniumverbindungen (2 articles)
- Über Zinkselenid (3 articles)
- Über α-Halogenäther (1 article)
- Über Δ2-Piperideine (5 articles)
- Ultraviolet spectra: Methoxy and methylenedioxy groups of some aromatic compounds and alkaloids (4 articles)
- Untersuchung anionotroper Solvosysteme (1 article)
- Untersuchung der Actinide (1 article)
- Untersuchung der Chelate einiger Azofarbstoffe durch Extraktionsmethode (3 articles)
- Untersuchung der Einwirkung von Metallen auf Plasmaeiweisstoffe (3 articles)
- Untersuchung der Hydrierung in flüssiger Phase (6 articles)
- Untersuchung der Hydrierungs- und Dehydrierungskatalysatoren (7 articles)
- Untersuchung der Katalysatoren zur Wassergaskonvertierung (2 articles)
- Untersuchung der Stabilität ternärer Zinkkomplexe mit Hilfe der Extraktionsmethode (2 articles)
- Untersuchung der thermischen Zersetzung von Silberperjodaten (3 articles)
- Untersuchung hydrolysierbarer Carbide (5 articles)
- Untersuchung über die Zusammensetzung der Braunkohlenteerfraktion vom Sdp. 220-280 °C (3 articles)
- Untersuchung von Lokalanästhetica (1 article)
- Untersuchungen in der Thiochinazolon-Reihe (2 articles)
- Untersuchungen über den Abreissvorgang der Tropfelektrode (2 articles)
- Untersuchungen über die Reaktionen des kristallinen Trypsins (1 article)
- Untersuchungen zur Empfindlichkeitssteigerung in der Tensammetrie (2 articles)
- UO2-Complexes with phenolic ligands (13 articles)
- Use of complexones in chemical analysis (33 articles)
- Use of Gibbs equation in irreversible thermodynamics (2 articles)
- Use of oscillographic polarography in quantitative analysis (1 article)
- Vapor-liquid equilibria (26 articles)
- Vapor-liquid equilibria in mixtures containing an associating substance (3 articles)
- Vapour-liquid equilibrium at low pressures from the back equation of state (2 articles)
- Veränderungen im isolierten Rattenzwerchfell (2 articles)
- Veratrum-alkaloide (7 articles)
- Verbrennungskatalysatoren in der organischen Elementaranalyse (1 article)
- Verunreinigungen und Beimengungen in Sintermetallen (1 article)
- Verwendung der manometrischen Methode in der organischen Analyse (2 articles)
- Verwendung von organischen Schwefelderivaten in der Massanalyse (3 articles)
- Vibrational spectra of some carbonyl halides (2 articles)
- Vibrational spectra of some halogenated silanes (1 article)
- Virus studies (6 articles)
- Viscometric properties of concentrated polymer solutions (3 articles)
- Viscosity of synthetic latices (2 articles)
- Volumetric determination in strongly alkaline solutions (2 articles)
- Wachstumsstimulatoren mit Peptidcharakter (3 articles)
- Wärme- und Stofftransport in der heterogenen Katalyse (2 articles)
- Zersetzung von Diazoketonen mit Kupfer(II)-oxyd (8 articles)
- Zersetzung von Nitrosaminen und Nitraminen in protogenen Lösungsmitteln (2 articles)
- Zum Mechanismus der Dehydratation sekundärer Alkohole an Aluminiumoxyd (1 article)
- Zum polarographischen Verhalten der Anionen der Polythionsäuren (5 articles)
- Zur Bereitung von Manganferriten (1 article)
- Zur Kenntnis der Salze einiger aromatischer Polycarbonsäuren (2 articles)
- Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden (5 articles)
- [5-(Adenin-9-yl)-5-deoxy-L-pentofuranosyl]phosphonates - A Novel Type of Nucleotide Analogs Related to HPMPA (2 articles)
- α-Furilmonoxime as an extracting agent (1 article)
- ω-Aminosäuren und ihre Lactame (1 article)