CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Temperature dependence
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Temperature dependence
- Ivona Malijevská* and Anatol Malijevský
On Temperature Dependence of Excess Gibbs Energy
1999, Vol. 64, Issue 7, pp. 1093–1099
- Jarmila Oremusová and Veronika Mislovičová
An Influence of the Spatial Arrangement, Length of the Alkyl Chain and Temperature on Micellar Properties of N-Alkyl-N-{[2-(benzyloxy)cyclohexylmethyl]}-N,N-dimethylammonium Bromides in Aqueous Solutions
1997, Vol. 62, Issue 12, pp. 1853–1862