CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Spin-orbit coupling
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Spin-orbit coupling
- Martin Srnec, Jakub Chalupský and Lubomír Rulíšek*
Are Octahedral Ruthenium(II/III) and Osmium(II/III) Complexes Always Low-Spin?
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 10, pp. 1231–1244
- Jiří Fišer* and Rudolf Polák
Electron Affinities of BN, NO and NF: Coupled Cluster and Multireference Configuration Interaction Calculations
2005, Vol. 70, Issue 7, pp. 923–940
- Zdeněk Havlas*, Mojmír Kývala and Josef Michl
Spin-Orbit Coupling in Biradicals. 4. Zero-Field Splitting in Triplet Nitrenes, Phosphinidenes, and Arsinidenes
2003, Vol. 68, Issue 12, pp. 2335–2343
- Ivan Pavlík*, Josef Fiedler, Jaromír Vinklárek and Martin Pavlišta
Ligand Field Model and d-d Spectra of dN Metallocene Complexes
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 2, pp. 228–254
- Zdeněk Havlas and Josef Michl
Spin-Orbit Coupling in Biradicals. 3. Heavy Atom Effects in Carbenes
1998, Vol. 63, Issue 9, pp. 1485–1497