CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Regression analysis
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Regression analysis
- Zhivko A. Velkov*, Mikhail K. Kolev and Alia V. Tadjer
Modeling and Statistical Analysis of DPPH Scavenging Activity of Phenolics
2007, Vol. 72, Issue 11, pp. 1461–1471
- Miroslav Kuchař*, Bohumila Brunová, Richard Junek, Robert Rodling, Josef Hájíček, Vladimíra Panajotová and Antonín Jandera
The Antileukotrienic Derivatives and Homologues of [(Quinolin-2-ylmethoxy)sulfanyl]benzoic Acids with Reduced Lipophilicity
2005, Vol. 70, Issue 9, pp. 1357–1371
- Miroslav Kuchař*, Vojtěch Kmoníček, Vladimíra Panajotová, Antonín Jandera, Bohumila Brunová, Richard Junek, Věra Bucharová, Jan Čejka and Dalibor Šatinský
Derivatives of (Phenylsulfanyl)benzoic Acids with Multiple Antileukotrienic Activity
2004, Vol. 69, Issue 11, pp. 2098–2120