CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Monte Carlo method
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Monte Carlo method
- Peter Košovan, Filip Uhlík, Jitka Kuldová, Miroslav Štěpánek, Zuzana Limpouchová, Karel Procházka*, Aleš Benda, Jana Humpolíčková and Martin Hof
Monte Carlo simulation of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data
2011, Vol. 76, Issue 3, pp. 207–222
- Katherine R. S. Shaul, Andrew J. Schultz and David A. Kofke*
The effect of truncation and shift on virial coefficients of Lennard–Jones potentials
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 447–462
- W. Ronald Fawcett* and Peter J. Ryan
The diffuse double layer in ionic liquids
2009, Vol. 74, Issue 11-12, pp. 1665–1674
- Jan Jirsák* and Ivo Nezbeda
Fluid of Hard Spheres with a Modified Dipole: Simulation and Theory
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp. 541–557