CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Coupled clusters
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Coupled clusters
- Robert Moszynski, Piotr S. Żuchowski and Bogumił Jeziorski*
Time-Independent Coupled-Cluster Theory of the Polarization Propagator
2005, Vol. 70, Issue 8, pp. 1109–1132
- Marcel Nooijen* and K. R. Shamasundar
A Case Study of State-Specific and State-Averaged Brueckner Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Theory: The Ionic-Covalent Avoided Crossing in Lithium Fluoride
2005, Vol. 70, Issue 8, pp. 1082–1108
- Vladimír Lukeš, Viliam Laurinc*, Michal Ilčin and Stanislav Biskupič
On the Structure and Physical Origin of the Weak Interaction Between H and CO
2004, Vol. 69, Issue 1, pp. 1–12
- Jozef Mášik and Ivan Hubač
Comparison of the Brillouin-Wigner Coupled Cluster Theory with the Standard Coupled Cluster Theory. Cancellation of Disconnected Terms in the Brillouin-Wigner Coupled Cluster Theory
1997, Vol. 62, Issue 6, pp. 829–842