- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Ján Hirsch
- Marek Baráth, Mária Petrušová, Ján Hirsch and Ladislav Petruš*
Synthesis of a 1α,4'-Di-O-allylated, 2,3,2',3'-Tetra-O-tetradecylated Lipid A Mimic and Its 4-O-(4-Methoxybenzyl) Precursor
2006, Vol. 71, Issue 11-12, pp. 1532–1548 [Abstract] - Eva Petráková, Ivana Krupová, Jan Schraml and Ján Hirsch
Synthesis and 13C NMR spectra of disaccharides related to glucoxylans and xyloglucans
1991, Vol. 56, Issue 6, pp. 1300–1308 [Abstract] - Jan Schraml, Eva Petráková, Ján Hirsch, Raivo Teeaar and Endel Lippmaa
Structure and 13C MAR NMR spectra of various forms of isomeric methyl xylobiosides
1989, Vol. 54, Issue 11, pp. 3092–3101 [Abstract] - Jan Schraml, Eva Petráková, Ján Hirsch, Jan Čermák, Václav Chvalovský, Raivo Teeaar and Endel Lippmaa
13C MAS NMR and 1H-29Si and 1H-13C heteronuclear correlation study of model xylooligosaccharides
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 10, pp. 2460–2473 [Abstract] - Eva Petráková, Jan Schraml, Ján Hirsch, Magdalena Kvíčalová, Jan Zelený and Václav Chvalovský
Analysis of oligosaccharides. 29Si and 13C NMR spectra of pertrimethylsilylated oligosaccharides derived from xylopyranose
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 6, pp. 1501–1513 [Abstract] - Rudolf Kohn and Ján Hirsch
Binding of calcium, lead, and copper(II) cations to galactaric and 2,5-furandicarboxylic acids and to D-galacturonic acid and its derivatives
1986, Vol. 51, Issue 5, pp. 1150–1159 [Abstract] - Jan Schraml, Ján Hirsch, Eva Petráková, Eduard Krahé and Claus Bliefert
Assignment of 1H and 13C NMR spectra by a combination of homo- and heteronuclear shift correlated two-dimensional NMR. Application to oligosaccharides related to arabinoxylane
1984, Vol. 49, Issue 7, pp. 1605–1616 [Abstract] - Jan Schraml, Eva Petráková, Otomar Pihar, Ján Hirsch and Václav Chvalovský
Pertrimethylsilylation as a method for improvement of chemical shift additivity through conformational homogenization. 1H and 13C NMR spectra of pertrimethylsilylated derivatives of methyl β-D-xylopyranosides
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 7, pp. 1829–1841 [Abstract] - Tibor Sticzay, Slavomír Bystrický, Cyril Peciar and Ján Hirsch
Chiroptical properties of esters of some uronic acids
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 6, pp. 1496–1501 [Abstract]
The following name might also represent this author:
J. Hirsch
- P. Kováč, J. Hirsch, I. Tvaroška, R. Palovčík, V. Kováčik and T. Sticzay
Synthesis of methyl (methyl α-L-altropyranosid)uronate and some of its derivatives
1976, Vol. 41, Issue 12, pp. 3804–3811 [Abstract] - P. Kováč, J. Hirsch, R. Palovčík, I. Tvaroška and S. Bystrický
Purdie reagent-induced C(5)-epimerization of D-galacturonic acid derivatives in the presence of methyl sulphide
1976, Vol. 41, Issue 10, pp. 3119–3130 [Abstract]