CCCC > Archive > Authors > B. Stehlík
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

B. Stehlík
- B. Stehlík and J. Nedbálková
Kinetik der Silber(III)-oxidbildung bei der Silber(I)-ionenoxydation mittels Kaliumperoxodisulfats
1966, Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 2269–2272
- J. Vlach and B. Stehlík
Röntgenometrische Studie der Umwandlungen der Oxyde des Silbers
1960, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 676–681
- B. Stehlík, P. Weidenthaler and J. Vlach
Kristallstruktur von Silber(III)-oxyd
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 1581–1588
- B. Stehlík and P. Weidenthaler
Kristallstruktur von Silber(II)-oxyd
1959, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 1416–1419
- B. Stehlík
Osmometric study of ammonium chloride
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 747–754
- B. Stehlík
Osmometric study of ammonium chloride
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 608–614
- B. Stehlík and L. Balák
The crystal structure of tellurium dioxide
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 595–607
- B. Stehlík
Chelate ring in allocinnamic acid
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 503–507
- B. Stehlík
Contribution to the structure of orthotelluric, phosphorous and arsenious acids
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 241–247
- B. Stehlík and V. Kellö
The use of the new osmotic phenomenon for the proof of the intramolecular hydrogen bond in o-nitrophenol and salicylic acid
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 177–185
- B. Stehlík and A. Tkáč
A study of a new osmotic phenomenon on some acids and sugars
1949, Vol. 14, pp. 10–19
- B. Stehlík
The co-ordination of monohydric alcohols, ethers or acetone to hydrogen ions
1947, Vol. 12, pp. 516–521
- B. Stehlík
Osmosis through a rush membrane into dilute mixtures of monohydric alcohols with polyhydric alcohols
1947, Vol. 12, pp. 204–211
- B. Stehlík
The crystal structure of tetra-m-tolyl-silane
1947, Vol. 12, pp. 6–10
- B. Stehlík
A study of the permeability of the reed membrane. I. Dynamics for non-electrolytes
1937, Vol. 9, pp. 434–456
- B. Stehlík
Bibliography of Czechoslovak chemical publications
1934, Vol. 6, pp. 371–382
- B. Stehlík
Bibliography of Czechoslovak chemical publications
1933, Vol. 5, pp. 348–366
- B. Stehlík
Bibliography of Czechoslovak chemical publications
1932, Vol. 4, pp. 463–472
- B. Stehlík
Volumetric estimation of molybdenum by potentiometric oxidation of the quinque- to the sexivalent state with ceric sulphate of potassium permanganate
1932, Vol. 4, pp. 418–427
- B. Stehlík
Bibliography of scientific communications published by prof. Emil Votoček
1932, Vol. 4, pp. 377–387
- B. Stehlík
Bibliography of Czechoslovak chemical publications
1932, Vol. 4, pp. 39–48
- A. Šimek and B. Stehlík
The melting point of tellurium dioxide
1930, Vol. 2, pp. 447–456
- A. Šimek and B. Stehlík
Melting point of pure tellurium
1930, Vol. 2, pp. 304–314