- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
Alexandr Muck
- Jiří Barek*, Jiří Zima, Josino C. Moreira and Alexandr Muck
Polarographic and Voltammetric Determination of 1-Nitropyrene
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 12, pp. 1888–1896 [Abstract]
The following names might also represent this author:
A. Muck
- A. Muck, J. Jelínek and B. Hájek
Infrarot-Absorptionsspektren von BaHPO3, SnHPO3, PbHPO3 und ihren deuterisierten Analogen
1976, Vol. 41, Issue 11, pp. 3354–3362 [Abstract] - F. Petrů and A. Muck
Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXXVII. Thermische Zersetzung von Sc2(HPO3)3·xH2O
1971, Vol. 36, Issue 11, pp. 3774–3779 [Abstract] - M. Ebert and A. Muck
Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten VIII. Untersuchung des Systems K2HPO3-H3PO3-H2O
1963, Vol. 28, Issue 1, pp. 257–261 [Abstract]
Alexander Muck
- Bohumil Hájek, Alexander Muck and Olga Smrčková
Infrared spectra of the NO3- anion in NaClO4, Na2SO4, NaClO3, and NaIO3 host structures
1987, Vol. 52, Issue 12, pp. 2886–2889 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Alexander Muck and Eva Šantavá
Infrared spectroscopic study of site symmetry effects for sulphite and sulphate anions in solid sodium sulphite oxidized by air oxygen
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 12, pp. 2715–2721 [Abstract] - Alexander Muck, Eva Šantavá and Bohumil Hájek
Infrared spectroscopic study of the YPO4-YCrO4 system
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 10, pp. 2139–2145 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Alexander Muck and Eva Šantavá
A study of mixed crystals in the InPO4-InVO4 system and their infrared spectra
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 7, pp. 1465–1469 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Alexander Muck and Olga Smrčková
Crystal symmetry of the chlorate anion in host structures
1985, Vol. 50, Issue 5, pp. 1147–1152 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Eva Šantavá and Alexander Muck
Possibily of the formation of mixed crystals in the indium phosphate-scandium phosphate system
1984, Vol. 49, Issue 10, pp. 2252–2258 [Abstract] - Alexander Muck, Olga Smrčková and Bohumil Hájek
Vibration spectra of mixed crystals Sc(PO4, VO4) and Y(PO4, VO4)
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 1176–1183 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Jan Ondráček and Alexander Muck
Existence of a new phase in barium carbonate-barium sulphate system
1982, Vol. 47, Issue 1, pp. 1–6 [Abstract] - Alexander Muck, Jindřich Čáp and Bohumil Hájek
Study of decreased T site-symmetry in the mixed crystals Ag3(PO4,AsO4)
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 12, pp. 3262–3265 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Alexander Muck and Olga Smrčková
The infrared absorption spectra of mixed Ag3[AsO4, VO4] crystals
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 11, pp. 3346–3349 [Abstract] - Bohumil Hájek, Alexander Muck and Olga Smrčková
Infrared absorption spectra of Ag3[PO4, VO4] mixed crystals
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 3, pp. 823–828 [Abstract]