- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2011, Volume 76, Issue 6
pp. 631-643
Tomáš Zelený, Pavel Hobza, Dana Nachtigallová*, Matthias Ruckenbauer and Hans Lischka* Photodynamics of the adenine model 4-aminopyrimidine embedded within double strand of DNA -
pp. 645-667
János Sarka, Attila G. Császár* and Peter R. Schreiner* Do the mercaptocarbene (H–C–S–H) and selenocarbene (H–C–Se–H) congeners of hydroxycarbene (H–C–O–H) undergo 1,2-H-tunneling? -
pp. 669-682
Ota Bludský, Petr Nachtigall and Vladimír Špirko* Vibrational dynamics of adsorbed CO2: Separability of the CO2 asymmetric stretching mode -
pp. 683-694
Alexis E. Abelow, Ryan J. White, Kevin W. Plaxco* and Ilya Zharov* Nanoporous silica colloidal films with molecular transport gated by aptamers responsive to small molecules -
pp. 695-711
Michal Petrov, Lukasz Cwiklik and Pavel Jungwirth* Interactions of molecular ions with model phospholipid membranes -
pp. 713-742
Michal Pitoňák*, Francesco Aquilante, Pavel Hobza, Pavel Neogrády, Jozef Noga and Miroslav Urban Parallelized implementation of the CCSD(T) method in MOLCAS using optimized virtual orbitals space and Cholesky decomposed two-electron integrals -
pp. 743-754
Kudret Yildirim*, Ahmet Uzuner and Emine Yasemin Gulcuoglu Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of some steroids by Aspergillus tamarii MRC 72400 -
pp. 755-762
Mercedes Ruiz Montoya, Sara Pintado and José Miguel Rodríguez Mellado* A chronoamperometric study of the oxidative nucleation of niazid and isoniazid on mercury electrodes in basic solutions -
pp. 763-780
Stefan Weiss, Günther Bernhardt, Armin Buschauer and Burkhard König* Synthesis and characterization of DMAP-modified NPY Y1 receptor antagonists as acyl-transfer catalysts
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.