- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2010, Volume 75, Issue 2
pp. 145-164
Flor R. Siperstein, Martin Lísal* and John K. Brennan A molecular simulation study of adsorption of nitrogen and methane in titanium silicate (ETS-4) -
pp. 165-173
Stanislav Labík Exact analytical formula for a fifth virial coefficient of a hard-sphere mixture at infinite dilution for small diameter ratios -
pp. 175-186
Jan Šmidrkal, Juraj Harmatha*, Miloš Buděšínský, Karel Vokáč, Zdeněk Zídek, Eva Kmoníčková, Roman Merkl and Vladimír Filip Modified approach for preparing (E)-stilbenes related to resveratrol, and evaluation of their potential immunobiological effects -
pp. 187-200
Harsh Kumar Non-ideal behaviour of binary liquid mixtures and different approaches to calculate ideal expansibility -
pp. 201-220
Lucie Bořek-Dohalská and Marie Stiborová* Cytochrome P450 3A activities and their modulation by α-naphthoflavone in vitro are dictated by the efficiencies of model experimental systems -
pp. 221-241
Małgorzata Borówko, Andrzej Patrykiejew, Stefan Sokołowski* and Tomasz Staszewski Influence of a small amount of tethered chains on wetting transitions: A density functional approach
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.