- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2004, Volume 69, Issue 11
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1971-1996
Bente Jeanette Foss, Ana Ion, Vassilia Partali, Hans-Richard Sliwka and Florinel Gabriel Banica* O1-[6-(Methylselanyl)hexanoyl]glycerol as an Anchor for Self-Assembly of Biological Compounds at the Gold Surface -
pp. 1997-2020
Ángela Molina*, Joaquín González and Isabel Morales Reversal and Cyclic Chronopotentiometry with Exponential Current-Time Functions at Spherical Electrodes. Reversibility Effects and Experimental Verification
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 2021-2035
Kumaran Shanmugam, Jiří Barek* and Jiří Zima Polarographic and Voltammetric Determination of Submicromolar Concentrations of Genotoxic 1,5-Dinitronaphthalene
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 2036-2044
Ivana Císařová, Vojtech Varga, Michal Horáček, Jiří Kubišta and Karel Mach* Exceptionally Symmetric Crystal Structure of (Pentabenzylcyclopentadienyl)(cyclooctatetraene)titanium(III) -
pp. 2045-2054
Martin Breza* and Stanislav Biskupič On the Structure of Tetralead(II) Complexes with OH Bridges -
pp. 2055-2067
Martin Breza* and Stanislav Biskupič On the Structure of Boat-Shaped Hexalead(II) Cations with OH Bridges
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 2068-2080
Beata Jasiewicz, Władysław Boczoń* and Joanna Kurek Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of New 17-Alkyl Derivatives of Lupanine and Their Perchlorate Salts -
pp. 2081-2090
Alexander Tkáč* and Eva Hanušovská Reactivity of Free Radicals Generated from Neurotransmitters Studied by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy -
pp. 2091-2097
Alexander Tkáč* and Eva Hanušovská Reactivity of Peroxy Radicals Coordinated to Vitamin B12 Studied by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy -
pp. 2098-2120
Miroslav Kuchař*, Vojtěch Kmoníček, Vladimíra Panajotová, Antonín Jandera, Bohumila Brunová, Richard Junek, Věra Bucharová, Jan Čejka and Dalibor Šatinský Derivatives of (Phenylsulfanyl)benzoic Acids with Multiple Antileukotrienic Activity
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.