Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
2003, 68, 801-811
Synthesis of 4-Nitrophenyl 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-mannopyranoside and 4-Nitrophenyl 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-α-D-mannopyranoside
Pavel Krista, Marek Kuzmab, István F. Pelyvásc, Pavla Simerskáa and Vladimír Křena,*
a Laboratory of Biotransformation, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, CZ-142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic
b Laboratory of Molecular Structure Characterization, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Vídeňská 1083, CZ-142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic
c Research Group of Antibiotics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Debrecen, P.O. Box 70, H-4010 Debrecen, Hungary
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- David E. Stevenson, Vladimír Křen*, Petr Halada and Petr Sedmera
Enzymatic Preparation of Lysergol β-D-Glucuronide
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp. 117–121 [Abstract] - Lenka Weignerová, Yukio Suzuki, Zdenka Huňková, Petr Sedmera, Vladimír Havlíček, Radek Marek and Vladimír Křen*
Pyridoxine as a Substrate for Screening Synthetic Potential of Glycosidases
1999, Vol. 64, Issue 8, pp. 1325–1334 [Abstract] - Vladimír Křen*, Petr Halada and Petr Sedmera
Agroclavine Glycosylation
1999, Vol. 64, Issue 1, pp. 114–118 [Abstract] - Vladimír Křen and Petr Sedmera
N-1-Trimethylsilyl Derivatives of Ergot Alkaloids
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 8, pp. 1248–1253 [Abstract] - Vladimír Křen, Jan Němeček and Věra Přikrylová
Assignment of Nitrogen Stereochemistry of Agroclavine and Elymoclavine 6-N-Oxides
1995, Vol. 60, Issue 12, pp. 2165–2169 [Abstract]