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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2003, 68, 1-22

The 4He Trimer: Structure and Energetics of a Very Unusual Molecule

Cono Di Paolaa, Franco A. Gianturcoa,*, Gerardo Delgado-Barriob, Salvador Miret-Artésb and Pablo Villarrealb

a Department of Chemistry, The University of Rome, Cittá Universitaria, 00185 Rome, Italy
b Instituto de Mátematicas y Fisica Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Serrano 123, 28006 Madrid, Spain

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  • Orlandini S., Coccia E., Baccarelli I., Gianturco F.A., Garrido E., González-Lezana T., Delgado-Barrio G., Villarreal P.: Binding He atoms to hydrogen moieties: quantum features from ultraweak interactions. Molecular Physics 2010, 108, 57. <>
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  • Gianturco F. A., González-Lezana T., Delgado-Barrio G., Villarreal P.: The binding of He4 and He3 to a hydrogen molecule: A computational study for pH2 and oH2. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2005, 122. <>