Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2001, 66, 897-911

Nonlinear Hammett Relationships in the Reaction of Peroxomonosulfate Anion (HOOSO3-) with meta- and para-Substituted Anilines in Alkaline Medium

Subbiah Meenakshisundaram* and Ramanathan Sockalingam

Department of Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608 002, India

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Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Subbiah Meenakshisundaram* and Ramanathan Sockalingam
    Kinetics and Mechanism of the Quinolinium Fluorochromate Oxidation of Some Primary, Secondary and Unsaturated Alcohols in Acetonitrile
    2001, Vol. 66, Issue 6, pp. 877–896 [Abstract]