Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1996, 61, 423-426
Synthesis of Novel n-Alkatrienyltrichlorosilane - Versatile Reagent and Precursor for Organic Monolayer Formation
Rade Markovića and Eugen Holzschühb
a Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, P.O.Box 158, Studentski trg 16, YU-11001 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
b Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, CH-8001 Zürich, Switzerland
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- MARKOVIC R., HOLZSCHUEH E.: ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of a Novel n‐Alkatrienyltrichlorosilane. Versatile Reagent and Precursor for Organic Monolayer Formation. ChemInform 1996, 27. <>