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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1995, 60, 1162-1169

Hydrolytic Reactions of Methylfluorophosphonates with Cyclodextrins

Jiří Cabal

Department of Toxicology, Military Medical Academy, 502 60 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

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  • Kubik Stefan: Supramolecular Approaches to the Detoxification of Nerve Agents. Israel Journal of Chemistry 2024, 64. <>
  • Bierwisch Anne, Koller Marianne, Worek Franz, Kubik Stefan: Pathways for the Reactions Between Neurotoxic Organophosphorus Compounds and Oximes or Hydroxamic Acids. Eur J Org Chem 2016, 2016, 5831. <>
  • Letort Sophie, Balieu Sébastien, Erb William, Gouhier Géraldine, Estour François: Interactions of cyclodextrins and their derivatives with toxic organophosphorus compounds. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 204. <>
  • Müller Susanne, Estour François, Kalakuntla Raman Kumar, Le Provost Romain, Lafont Olivier, Worek Franz, Thiermann Horst, Reiter Georg: New modified β-cyclodextrin derivatives as detoxifying agents of chemical warfare agents (II). In vitro detoxification of cyclosarin (GF): General screening and toxicokinetic aspects of OP scavengers. Toxicology Letters 2013, 216, 206. <>
  • Kalakuntla Raman Kumar, Wille Timo, Le Provost Romain, Letort Sophie, Reiter Georg, Müller Susanne, Thiermann Horst, Worek Franz, Gouhier Géraldine, Lafont Olivier, Estour François: New modified β-cyclodextrin derivatives as detoxifying agents of chemical warfare agents (I). Synthesis and preliminary screening: Evaluation of the detoxification using a half-quantitative enzymatic assay. Toxicology Letters 2013, 216, 200. <>
  • Elsinghorst Paul Wilhelm, Worek Franz, Thiermann Horst, Wille Timo: Drug development for the management of organophosphorus poisoning. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 2013, 8, 1467. <>
  • Le Provost Romain, Wille Timo, Louise Ludivine, Masurier Nicolas, Müller Susanne, Reiter Georg, Renard Pierre-Yves, Lafont Olivier, Worek Franz, Estour François: Optimized strategies to synthesize β-cyclodextrin-oxime conjugates as a new generation of organophosphate scavengers. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 3026. <>
  • Masurier Nicolas, Estour François, Froment Marie-Thérèse, Lefèvre Bertrand, Debouzy Jean-Claude, Brasme Bernard, Masson Patrick, Lafont Olivier: Synthesis of 2-substituted β-cyclodextrin derivatives with a hydrolytic activity against the organophosphorylester paraoxon. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2005, 40, 615. <>
  • Cabal Jiří, Kuča Kamil, Ševelová-Bartošová Lucie, Dohnal Vlastimil: Cyclodextrines as Functional Agents for Decontamination of the Skin Contaminated by Nerve Agents. Acta Med. (Hradec Kralove, Czech Repub.) 2004, 47, 115. <>
  • Breslow Ronald, Dong Steven D.: Biomimetic Reactions Catalyzed by Cyclodextrins and Their Derivatives. Chem. Rev. 1998, 98, 1997. <>