Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1992, 57, 1373-1380
Network Simulation of a Reversible Electron Transfer under Cyclic Voltammetric Conditions
Carlos F. González-Fernándeza, Maria T. García-Hernándezb and José Hornob
a Department of Applied Physics, University of Murcia, Campus of Cartagena, Paseo Alfonso XIII 48, E-30203 Cartagena, Spain
b Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Experimental Sciences, E-23071 Jaen, Spain
Reversible electron transfer reaction of a freely diffusing species has been studied using the network approach. A network model for this process under cyclic voltammetric conditions has been proposed, and a numerical simulation has been made with the help of the electrical circuit simulation routine PSPICE. A great accuracy in simulated voltammograms has been reached with a personal computer at a moderate cost in computer time.