Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1991, 56, 1856-1867
Energy dissipation rate in a baffled vessel with pitched blade turbine impeller
Zdzisław Jaworskia and Ivan Fořtb
a Department of Chemical Engineering and Physical Chemistry, Technical University of Szczecin, 7 1065 Szczecin, Poland
b Department of Chemical and Food Process Equipment Design, Czech Technical University, 166 07 Prague 6, Czechoslovakia
Mechanical energy dissipation was investigated in a cylindrical, flat bottomed vessel with four radial baffles and the pitched blade turbine impeller of varied size. This study was based upon the experimental data on the hydrodynamics of the turbulent flow of water in an agitated vessel. They were gained by means of the three-holes Pitot tube technique for three impeller-to-vessel diameter ratio d/D = 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5. The experimental results obtained for two levels below and two levels above the impeller were used in the present study. Radial profiles of the mean velocity components, static and total pressures were presented for one of the levels. Local contribution to the axial transport of the agitated charge and energy was presented. Using the assumption of the axial symmetry of the flow field the volumetric flow rates were determined for the four horizontal cross-sections. Regions of positive and negative values of the total pressure of the liquid were indicated. Energy dissipation rates in various regions of the agitated vessel were estimated in the range from 0.2 to 6.0 of the average value for the whole vessel. Hydraulic impeller efficiency amounting to about 68% was obtained. The mechanical energy transferred by the impellers is dissipated in the following ways: 54% in the space below the impeller, 32% in the impeller region, 14% in the remaining part of the agitated liquid.