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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1989, 54, 53-63

Electroanalytical chemistry of vanadium complexes. Comparison of the voltammetric features of amavadine with those of the vanadium complexes with iminodiacetic acid and methyliminodiacetic acid

Roland Meiera, Harald Frankb, Reinhard Kirmseb, Reiner Salzerb, Joachim Stachb, Gerhard Wernerb and Matthias Ottoc

a Department of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Leipzig, P.O. Box 66, 7030 Leipzig, G.D.R.
b Department of Chemistry, Karl Marx University Leipzig, 7010 Leipzig, G.D.R.
c Department of Chemistry, Bergakademie Freiberg, 9200 Freiberg, G.D.R.

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  • Meier Roland, Werner Gerhard, Otto Matthias: Voltammetric study of the reduction process of ethylenediaminetetraacetatovanadium(IV): oxidation-state-dependent speciation. Analytica Chimica Acta 1990, 236, 315. <>
  • Meier R., Arrieta A., Petrich M., Beyer L.: Voltammetrische Untersuchung der Komplexbildung von Eisen(III) und Eisen(II) mit Iminodiacetat (IDA). Zeitschrift anorg allge chemie 1989, 577, 172. <>
  • Fraústo da Silva J.J.R.: Vanadium in biology—the case of the Amanita toadstools. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 1989, 1, 139. <>