Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1988, 53, 2591-2598

Peptide inhibitors of the angiotensin converting enzyme with nonproteinogenic amino acids

Siegmund Reissmanna, Carola Schwuchowa, Margarita P. Filatovab, Natalya A. Kritb, Wolf-Eberhard Siemsc, Gottfried Hederc, Uwe Schradera, Harald Schuberta, Bettina Müllera, Bettina Bardla and Inge Paegelowd

a Department of Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, 6900 Jena, G.D.R.
b Institute of Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, Academy of Medicinal Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
c Institute of Drug Research, Academy of Sciences, 1136 Berlin-Friedrichsfelde, G.D.R.
d Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Wilhelm-Pieck-University, 2500 Rostock, G.D.R.

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Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Siegmund Reissmann, Sebastian Kuenzel, Georg Greiner, Inge Agricola, David Pretzel and Matthias Schmidt
    Transition metal complexes of linear and cyclic peptides and pseudopeptides
    Symposium Series 2005, Vol. 8, pp. 68–72 [Abstract]
    Published online 2015-11-06 12:00:52
  • Franziska Mussbach, Martin Franke, Ansgar Zoch, Buerk Schaefer and Siegmund Reissmann
    Transduction of peptides, proteins and nucleotides into live cells by cell penetrating peptides
    Symposium Series 2011, Vol. 13, pp. 90–95 [Abstract]
    Published online 2015-07-15 10:15:36