Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1987, 52, 1634-1640

Alkaloids of Papaver nudicaule SUBSP. xanthopetalum (TRAUTV.) FEDDE and P. nudicaule SUBSP. album (REGEL) FEDDE from the section Scapiflora REICHB.

František Věžníka, Eva Táborskáa, Hana Bochořákováa, František Turečekb, Vladimír Hanušb and Jiří Slavíka

a Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Purkyně University, 662 43 Brno
b The J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 121 38 Prague 2


The alkaloidal composition in the two title taxa differs only quantitatively. Both contain amurine as the main alkaloid. P. nudicaule ssp. xanthopetalum contains muramine, protopine and alkaloid PN1 (probably identical with (±)-nudaurine (Ia)) as dominant alkaloids; further were isolated amurensine, epialpinine, cryptopine, mecambridine and alpinigenine. Allocryptopine, papaverrubines A, B, D and G, palmatine and coptisine were detected chromatographically. The quaternary alkaloid fraction afforded cis-N-methylstylopinium hydroxide (as the iodide II) which was isolated for the first time from P. nudicaule. In P. nudicaule ssp. album the alkaloid PN1, epialpinine, amurensine and muramine represented the dominant alkaloids, accompanied with mecambridine, protopine, cryptopine, allocryptopine and alpinigenine. Among the quaternary alkaloids N-methylstylopinium hydroxide was found.