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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1986, 51, 2291-2298

Immobilization of exo-D-galacturonanase by coupling to a polyacrylamide type support

Kveta Heinrichováa, Mária Lehoczkib and Dagmar Zliechovcováa

a Institute of Chemistry, Center of Chemical Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 842 38 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
b Department of Biochemistry, Attila Joszef University, Szeged, Hungary

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Ginalska G., Brzyska M., ��obarzewski J., Wolski T., Mohammadi N.A., Rempel G.L., Zhensheng Jin, Qinglin Li, Liangbo Feng, Zhengshi Chen, Xinhua Zheng, Chanjuan Xi: The influence of metal ions on endopolygalacturonase from aspergillus niger 71 soluble and immobilized by NH2 or COOH groups. Journal of Molecular Catalysis 1989, 50, 251. <>
  • Heinrichova K., Dzúrova M., Zioêki A., Wojciechowicz M.: d-Galacturonandigalacturonohydrolase covalently bound on to a polyacrylamide-type support. Lett Appl Microbiol 1989, 8, 105. <>
  • Van Herk Alex M., Tullemans Annie H.J., Van Welzen Joke, German Anton L., Khan M.M.Taqui, Bajaj H.C., Siddiqui M.R.H., Ginalska G., ��obarzewski J., Kolarz B.: Effects of ionenes on catalytic activity and structure of cobalt phthalocyanine. Journal of Molecular Catalysis 1988, 44, 269. <>