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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1985, 50, 2914-2917

Iridoid glucosides from Penstemon diffusus

Joanna Diak and Stanisłav Kohlmünzer

Department of Phytochemistry, Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 31-343 Krakow, Poland

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  • Zhang Fan, Yan Yu, Zhang Jia, Li Li, Wang Yu‐Wei, Xia Cong‐Yuan, Lian Wen‐Wen, Peng Ying, Zheng Jiang, He Jun, Xu Jie‐Kun, Zhang Wei‐Ku: Phytochemistry, synthesis, analytical methods, pharmacological activity, and pharmacokinetics of loganin: A comprehensive review. Phytotherapy Research 2022, 36, 2272. <>