Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1984, 49, 2897-2902

29Si (and 13C) NMR spectra of modified silatranyl derivatives of some monosaccharides

Jan Schramla, Aleksandr Mikhailovich Krapivinb, Aleksandr Petrovich Luzinc, Vladimir Mikhailovich Kilessoc and Vadim Aleksandrovich Pestunovichd

a Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 165 02, ČSSR
b Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow 117071, USSR
c The first Moscow Medical Institute, Ministry of Health, Moscow, USSR
d Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 664 033 Irkutsk, USSR


29Si (and 13C) NMR chemical shifts are reported for several 2-carba-3-oxahomosilatranyl (3,9,10-trioxa-6-aza-1-silabicyclo[3.3.4]dodecane-1-yl) and silatranyl (2,8,9-trioxa-5-aza-1-silabicyclo[3.3.3]undecane-1-yl) derivatives of some monosaccharides and other alcohols. The limited data suggest somewhat larger sensitivity of the silicon chemical shifts to molecular structure in 2-carba-3-oxahomosilatranyl derivatives than in silatranyl derivatives. In comparison with trimethylsilyl derivatives homosilatranyl derivatives show lower structural sensitivity of the silicon chemical shift. In some cases, however, larger stability of the silatranyl or 2-carba-3-oxahomosilatranyl derivatives than that of trimethylsilyl derivatives might be a distinct advantage.