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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1982, 47, 1523-1529

Biochemically important reactions of 2-furylethylenes. Reactions with low-molecular thiols

Ernest Šturdíka, Tibor Liptajb, Štefan Baláža and Ľudovít Drobnicaa

a Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry
b Department of Physical Chemistry, Slovak Institute of Technology, 812 37 Bratislava

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  • Baichurin R. I., Baichurina L. V., Aboskalova N. I., Trukhin E. V., Berestovitskaya V. M.: Reactions of α-nitroacrylates with thiophenols. Russ J Gen Chem 2014, 84, 1277. <>
  • Scholz Therese, Heyl Carina L., Bernardi Dan, Zimmermann Stefan, Kattner Lars, Klein Christian D.: Chemical, biochemical and microbiological properties of a brominated nitrovinylfuran with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2013, 21, 795. <>
  • Karakhanov Robert A, Kelarev Victor I, Polivin Yurii N: The synthesis and properties of unsaturated nitro-compounds of the furan series. Russ. Chem. Rev. 1993, 62, 169. <>