Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1980, 45, 910-913

Synthesis and properties of 5-phenoxyfurancarboxylic acids

Viera Knoppováa, Anton Beňob and Jaroslav Kováča

a Department of Organic Chemistry, Slovak Institute of Technology, 880 37 Bratislava
b Department of Analytical Chemistry, Comenius University, 816 50 Bratislava


Furancarboxylic acids were prepared by oxidation with Ag2O of the corresponding 5-(X-phenoxy)-2-furaldehydes (X = 4-OCH3, 4-SCH3, 3-NHCOCH3, 4-Cl, 4-Br, 4-COOC2H5, 3-NO2, and 4-NO2. The appearing pKa values of the synthesized acids were determined by potentiometric titration. The transfer effect of the substituents through the oxygen bridge is discussed and the transfer coefficient is compared with π' values of other linking groups in the furan series.