Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1980, 45, 2728-2741
Kinetics of the catalytic hydrodesulphurization reaction system; hydrogenolysis of thiophene
Pavel Fott and Petr Schneider
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 165 02 Prague 6-Suchdol
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Kaluža Luděk, Zdražil Miroslav: Relative activity of Niobia-supported CoMo hydrodesulphurization catalyst prepared with NTA: A kinetic approach. Catalysis Communications 2018, 107, 62. <>
- Patrov L. A., Vladov Ch. D., Shopov D. M.: Kinetics of Thiophene Hydrodesulfurization on A Co‐Mo/AlaOs Catalyst. Bulletin des Soc Chimique 1987, 96, 643. <>
- Fott Pavel, Schneider Petr: Mass transport and a complex reaction in porous catalyst pellets: Thiophene hydrodesulphurization. Chemical Engineering Science 1984, 39, 643. <>
- Uchytil Jan, Bera´nek Ludvi´k, Zahradni´kova´ Hana, Kraus Milosˇ: Correlation of oxygen chemisorption and thiophene hydrogenolysis on Co-Mo-Al2O3-catalysts. Applied Catalysis 1982, 4, 233. <>
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