Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1980, 45, 163-168

Endo-D-galacturonanase immobilized by a covalent binding to hydroxyalkyl methacrylate gels. Preparation and properties

Lubomíra Rexová-Benková, Marta Mračková and Karol Babor

Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 809 33 Bratislava


Insoluble derivatives of endo-D-galacturonanase were prepared by a covalent binding to hydroxyalkyl methacrylate gels (Spherons) by a cyanogen bromide method. Gels of various pore size were used. The amount of the attached enzyme, its activity and kinetic constants were determined. The effect of covalent binding on the pH activity curves, heat stability, storage stability at 4°C and the operational stability of the enzyme were investigated.