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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1979, 44, 2079-2085

Extension of the turbidity ratio method to the near infrared region

Blahoslav Sedláček

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 162 06 Prague 6

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  • Gulari Esin, Bazzi Ghassan, Gulari Erdogan, Annapragada A.: Latex Particle Size Distributions from Multiwavelength Turbidity Spectra. Part & Part Syst Charact 1987, 4, 96. <>
  • Sedláček B., Zimmermann K.: Integral and differential turbidity ratio methods applied to the analysis of changes in the size and number of scatterers. Polymer Bulletin 1982, 7, 531. <>
  • Sedlacek B, Konak C: Temperature-induced microsyneresis in swollen polymer gels. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1982, 90, 60. <>