Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1979, 44, 1742-1746

Volumetric determination of cobalt in Co-Sm-Fe alloys using a silver ion selective electrode in aqueous dimethylformamide and in water

Adam Košturiaka and Dagmar Kalavskáb

a Department of Experimental Physics, Šafárik University, 415 40 Košice
b Department of Analytical Chemistry, Comenius University, 816 50 Bratislava


A procedure is suggested for direct volumetric determination of cobalt with a sodium diethyldithiocarbaminate titrant solution in the medium of 80% dimethylformamide, using indication with a silver ion selective electrode. The procedure was applied to the cobalt determination in Co-Sm-Fe alloys. The method was adapted for the determination of cobalt in aqueous solution by back titration of excess sodium diethyldithiocarbaminate with a silver nitrate titrant solution or with generated Ag(I), using the same indication or biamperometric indication.