Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1979, 44, 711-718

Flow optimization by flow redistributors in wetted reactor II

Antonín Sáraa, Karel Kolomazníka, Lubomír Dolníka and Jaroslav Soukupb

a Faculty of Technology, 762 72 Gottwaldov, Institute of Technology, Brno
b Department of Organic Technology, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Karel Kolomazník, Antonín Sára, Lubomír Dolník and Jaroslav Soukup
    Optimization of flow in wetted reactor by use of flow redistributors I
    1978, Vol. 43, Issue 4, pp. 1017–1026 [Abstract]
  • Jaroslav Prchlík, Karel Jelínek, Vladimír Zapletal, Vlastimil Růžička and Jaroslav Soukup
    Effect of physical properties of the wetting liquid on its distribution in trickle bed reactors
    1978, Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 862–869 [Abstract]