Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1978, 43, 1027-1054

The least squares estimation of stability constants of complexes of SNAZOXS with copper(II), nickel(II), and cobalt(II) ions from different spectrophotometric data

Milan Meloun, Jaromíra Chýlková and Jan Pancl

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Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Jan Pancl
    Dynamic sorption of Cr3+ on strongly acidic cation exchangers and separation of Cr(VI), Cr3+ and cations interfering with the spectrophotometric determination of chromium
    1985, Vol. 50, Issue 12, pp. 2840–2852 [Abstract]
  • Jaromíra Chýlková, Václav Říha and Stanislav Kotrlý
    Complex-formation reactions of 7-(o-carboxyphenylazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid with copper(II) ions: An application in EDTA photometric microtitrations
    1982, Vol. 47, Issue 8, pp. 2110–2120 [Abstract]
  • Milan Meloun and Jaromíra Chýlková
    Determination of dissociation constants of 7-(carboxyphenylazo)-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acids by nonlinear regression of spectrophotometric data
    1979, Vol. 44, Issue 9, pp. 2815–2827 [Abstract]
  • Milan Meloun and Jan Pancl
    Study of properties of complexes of SNAZOXS and Naphthylazoxine 6S with copper(II), zinc(II) and lead(II) ions in solution by non-linear regression of spectrophotometric data
    1979, Vol. 44, Issue 7, pp. 2032–2063 [Abstract]