- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1977, Volume 42, Issue 8
pp. 2287-2299
J. Štokr, J. Jakeš and B. Schneider Simple relation for the determination of free activation enthalpies of conformational transitions -
pp. 2300-2319
V. Dubanská, A. Dubanský, V. Hejl, F. Chaluš, J. Kubát, M. Maštalka, P. Podracký and P. Povondra Chemism of radiolarian lydites from the Bohemian Massif region -
pp. 2320-2325
J. Toušek Zusammenhang zwischen Lochfrasskorrosion und Elektropolieren von Metallen -
pp. 2326-2331
J. Toušek Abhängigkeit der Lochfrasskorrosion des Nickels von der Temperatur -
pp. 2332-2342
Ľ. Treindl and J. Hatala Kinetic study of redox reaction of Ce4+ ions with hypophosphite by means of vibrating platinum electrode -
pp. 2343-2351
M. Nepraš and A. Novák Phosphorescence and polarization of phosphorescence of linear polynuclear p-quinones -
pp. 2352-2364
M. Balíková and L. Beránek The effect of nonuniformity of acid sites on kinetics of dehydration of tert-butanol on a SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 catalyst -
pp. 2365-2371
J. Šimek, J. Lasovský, E. Ružička, Nguyen Truong Son, J. Sedláčková and L. Škvařilová Reaktion der sulfonierten Phenoxazone vom Alizaringrün-typ mit Molybdationen -
pp. 2372-2378
R. Kohn and T. Sticzay Circular dichroism and the cation binding to polyuronates -
pp. 2379-2387
O. Exner and K. Bláha The conformation of aromatic carbamates in solution: A dipole moment study -
pp. 2388-2393
M. Hájek and J. Málek Radical addition of nitriles to 1-alkenes initiated by metal oxides -
pp. 2394-2400
M. Procházka Preparation and thermal decomposition of branched azo esters -
pp. 2401-2407
M. Procházka and P. Ďurďovič Formartion of unsaturated sulfides by pyrolytical elimination -
pp. 2408-2414
F. Tureček and A. Vystrčil The synthesis of (3-2H)tricyclo[6,2,2,O2,7]-3,9-dodecadiene -
pp. 2415-2437
Pavel Kočovský and V. Černý Structural requirements in Westphalen rearrangement -
pp. 2438-2440
J. Jizba, Z. Samek and L. Novotný A sesquiterpenic alkaloid, eremophilene lactam, from the rhizomes of Petasites hybridus -
pp. 2441-2447
Z. Samek, M. Holub, B. Drożdż, H. Grabarczyk and B. Hładoń Xerantholide - A new cytotoxically active sesquiterpenic lactone from Xeranthemum cylindraceum SIBTH. et SMITH -
pp. 2448-2451
Devendra Prasad Sharma and M. Streibl Phytosterols, triterpenoid and other lipidic constituents from Cajanus cajan L. MILLSP. leaves -
pp. 2452-2458
V. Pačes, I. Rosenberg, M. Kamínek and A. Holý Metabolism of cytokinins in rape seedlings (Brassica napus L.) -
pp. 2459-2468
W. H. Hauthal Zur Approximation und Vorausberechung von Excessfunctionen mit Hilfe der Gleichungen von Wilson, Renon und Prausnitz (NRTL) und von Palmer und Smith. Vorschlag einer neuen Zweiparameter-variante der NRTL-gleichung -
pp. 2469-2473
J. Linek Vapour-liquid equilibrium in the isobutyl alcohol-isobutyl acetate binary system -
pp. 2474-2490
V. Kudrna, J. Vlček and I. Fořt A simple stochastic model of non-ideal mixer -
pp. 2491-2497
F. Kaštánek The volume mass transfer coefficient in a bubble bed column -
pp. 2498-2510
M. Danielewicz, S. Vozka and M. Kubín Comparison of some methods for axial spreading correction in gel permeation chromatography -
pp. 2511-2517
V. Páleník, J. Pavlinec and D. Lath The effect of preferential solvation on radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate -
pp. 2518-2523
J. Šilhánek and M. Zbirovský Hydrolysis of trichloromethanesulfenyl chloride -
pp. 2524-2529
M. Paleček, J. Poláková and M. Procházka Reaction of 3,4-epoxy-3-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydrothiophene-1,1-dioxide with alcohols -
pp. 2530-2536
V. P. Šendrik, O. Paleta and V. Dědek Photochemical addition of secondary alcohols to methyl trifluoroacrylate -
pp. 2537-2539
V. Tolman Preparation of difluoroacetic acid and its derivatives from chlorotrifluoroethylene -
pp. 2540-2548
A. Zobáčová, V. Heřmánková and J. Jarý Reduction of sulfonyl esters of aldoses with sodium hydrogen bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminate -
pp. 2549-2554
Z. Votický, L. Dolejš, O. Bauerová and V. Paulík Buxozine-C, a novel type of buxus alkaloid -
pp. 2555-2568
K. Bláha, V. K. Burichenko, Š. Štokrová, J. Mikeš and J. Šponar Basic polypeptides as histone models: Synthesis and conformation of (α,ω-diaminoacyl-alanyl-glycyl) sequential polymers and their complexes with DNA -
pp. 2569-2576
K. Heinrichová and Ľ. Rexová-Benková Purification and characterization of another D-galacturonanase from Aspergillus niger -
pp. 2577-2585
L. Korbová, J. Kohout, E. Kasafírek and J. Čížková Stomach proteinases separation, specificity, and changes after administration of secretion stimuli -
pp. 2586-2593
A. Lišmane, I. Muižnieks, M. Vitols, A. Čihák and J. Škoda Catabolic degradation of 6-azauracil and 6-azauridine by Pseudomonas putida
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.