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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1977, 42, 1385-1388

Hydrocarbons, esters and free alcohols in the bark of Saraca indica L.

M. Behari, C. K. Andhiwal and M. Streibl

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Espelie Karl E., Sadek Nagwa Z., Kolattukudy P. E.: Composition of suberin-associated waxes from the subterranean storage organs of seven plants. Planta 1980, 148, 468. <>
  • Espelie Karl E., Sadek Nagwa Z., Kolattukudy P. E.: Composition of suberin-associated waxes from the subterranean storage organs of seven plants. Planta 1980, 148, 468. <>