- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1976, Volume 41, Issue 8
pp. 2131-2142
I. Samohýl and A. Malijevský Phenomenological derivation of the mass action law of homogeneous chemical kinetics -
pp. 2143-2150
A. L. Tsykalo, M. M. Kontsov and B. I. Los' Contribution of non-additive interactions to the third virial coefficient of a gas -
pp. 2151-2158
A. Fojtík and J. Kopoldová Radiolysis of aqueous solutions of insulin -
pp. 2159-2163
V. Múčka Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on nickel(II) oxide irradiated by γ-radiation and by neutrons -
pp. 2164-2168
V. Vacek and P. Nekovář Shape of drops at their formation -
pp. 2169-2175
Z. Šulcek and V. Sixta Chromatographic separation of uranium from excess accompanying elements in a medium of diethylenetriamine-N,N,N',N",N"-pentaacetic acid -
pp. 2176-2186
D. Svobodová, J. Gasparič, M. Fraenkl and L. Nováková Reaktion von Phenol mit Aminophenazon® -
pp. 2187-2197
M. Jureček, J. Šrámková and P. Kozák Stickstoffbestimmung in Derivaten des Triazens und Pentaza-1,4-diens -
pp. 2198-2208
P. Ševčík and J. Kresák The kinetics and mechanism of oxidation of Cr(II) ions by dichloroacetic acid -
pp. 2209-2215
A. Perjéssy, J. Rotbergs and V. P. Oškāja The C=O stretching vibration of 1,3-benz[f]indanedione derivatives -
pp. 2216-2224
Ľ. Drobnica, L. Floch and P. Gemeiner Reactivity of alkyl 2-isothiocyanato and ω-isothiocyanato carboxylates -
pp. 2225-2237
J. Protiva, V. Pouzar and A. Vystrčil Mass spectra of 12-oxolupane derivatives -
pp. 2238-2249
L. Musil, M. Píšová, J. Pospíšek and M. Souček π-Electron structure and UV spectra of 4-alkylidene-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ones -
pp. 2250-2255
B. Koutek, L. Pavlíčková, J. Velek and M. Souček Preparation of 2- and 4-alkylphenols by reaction of 2- and 4-hydroxybenzyl phenyl sulfones with lithium aluminium hydride -
pp. 2256-2263
J. Beneš and J. Hetflejš Synthesis of some phosphines containing chiral substituents -
pp. 2264-2272
J. Beneš and J. Hetflejš Asymmetric hydrosilylation of ketones -
pp. 2273-2288
K. Bláha, Š. Štokrová, B. Sedláček and J. Šponar Basic polypeptides as histone models: Synthesis and conformation of sequential polymers poly(lysyl-amino acyl-glycyl) and their complexes with DNA -
pp. 2289-2295
A. Galatík and A. Blažej Contribution to the kinetics of keratin disulfide bonds breaking in alkaline medium -
pp. 2296-2302
V. Podrazký and D. S. Jackson Observations on coacervation of soluble elastins -
pp. 2303-2319
S. Beran and R. Zahradník MO study of the reactivity of cyclopropane, its radical and radical ions, and models of its transition metal complexes -
pp. 2320-2325
O. Fischer and V. Komárek Electrochemical study of follow-up reactions in electrooxidation of p-phenylenediamine and its N,N-diethyl derivative in nonaqueous medium -
pp. 2326-2332
J. Dolanský, D. M. Wagnerová and J. Vepřek-Šiška Autooxidation of cysteine catalysed by cobalt(II) tetrasulphophthalocyanine. Models of oxidases V. -
pp. 2333-2338
F. Jursík, D. Sýkorová and B. Hájek Tris[sarcosinato-O,N(-1)]cobalt(III). A metal complex with forced configuration of nitrogen atoms -
pp. 2339-2352
V. Rod, G. El Diwani, M. Minárik and Z. Šír Kinetics of esterification of terephthalic acid with ethylene glycol -
pp. 2353-2364
F. Kopecký, M. Vojteková and A. Dymeš Self-association of antipyrine and its derivatives in aqueous solutions at 40 °C via osmometry -
pp. 2365-2385
M. Meloun and J. Pancl The least squares computer estimation of dissociation constants of SNAZOXS and naphthylazoxine 6S from spectrophotometric data -
pp. 2386-2405
M. Langová, I. Klabenešová, K. Kasiura and L. Sommer Reactions of vanadium(V, IV) with 4-(2-thiazolylazo)resorcinol -
pp. 2406-2421
O. Červinka, M. Král and P. Maloň Optical rotatory power of the flexible aromatic compounds (S)-(-)-1-phenylethanol and (S)-(-)-1-(2-methylphenyl)ethanol -
pp. 2422-2428
D. Végh, J. Kováč and M. Dandárová Preparation and study of geometric isomers of methyl 2-nitro-3-[2-(5-X-furyl)]acrylates -
pp. 2429-2432
J. Slavík, V. Novák and L. Slavíková Alkaloids from Eschscholtzia lobii GREENE -
pp. 2433-2439
A. Holý and M. Plšek Substrate specificity of rape pollen 3'-nucleotidase (Brassica napus) -
pp. 2440-2447
H. Keilová and V. Tomášek Further characteristics of cathepsin D inhibitor from potatoes -
pp. 2448-2454
J. Borová, O. Fuchs, P. Poňka and J. Neuwirt A simple liver cell-free system suitable for testing of messenger exogenous RNA
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.