- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1974, Volume 39, Issue 7
pp. 1663-1671
A. Heyberger, D. Balcarová, J. Bulička and J. Procházka Distribution of acrylic and acetic acids in water-organic solvent systems -
pp. 1672-1685
F. Kaštánek, J. Zahradník and M. Rylek Back flow between stages in bubble-type reactors -
pp. 1686-1692
Z. Stránský and Z. Chmela Methode zur Bestimmung von Homokonjugationskonstanten aus Titrationskurven -
pp. 1693-1699
M. Šimek Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Calcium-, Scandium- und Eisen(III)-kationen beim Ionenaustausch in konzentrierten Mineralsäuren -
pp. 1700-1710
N. G. Gaylord and V. Štěpán Reduction of methylated anthraquinones to methylated anthracenes with aluminium tri(cyclohexyl oxide) -
pp. 1711-1716
Ľ. Fišera, J. Surá, J. Kováč and M. Lucký Determination of σp constants of 2-furyl substituents. Transfer of the substituent effect through the furan-benzene system -
pp. 1717-1721
J. Kaválek, A. Barteček and V. Štěrba Base catalysis in reaction of N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)pyridinium chloride with aniline and N-methylaniline -
pp. 1722-1727
A. Barteček, J. Kaválek, V. Macháček and V. Štěrba Kinetics of reaction of isobutyraldehyde with aniline and its derivatives -
pp. 1728-1734
V. Bažant and M. Černý Synthesis of p-bis-silylarylene compounds by the Grignard reaction of p-dichlorobenzene with dialkoxy-, dichloro-, alkoxychloro- and chlorodiphenylsilanes -
pp. 1735-1739
V. Bažant and M. Černý Synthesis of p-bis-silylarylene compounds by the Grignard reaction of p-dibromobenzene with dialkoxy-, dichloro-, alkoxychloro- and chlorodiphenylsilanes -
pp. 1740-1743
N. I. Šergina, M. G. Voronkov, M. Jakoubková and V. Chvalovský Relative basicity of organotrialkoxysilanes and electronic effects of substituents -
pp. 1744-1751
P. Hrnčiar and F. Szémes Reactions of the 5,7-dioxo-6-phenyl-6,7-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,c]cycloheptane anion with monohalohydrocarbons -
pp. 1752-1767
M. Černý, T. Elbert and J. Pacák Preparation of 1,6-anhydro-2,3-dideoxy-2,3-epimino-β-D-mannopyranose and its conversion to 2-amino-1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-β-D-mannopyranose -
pp. 1768-1772
M. Beran, K. Řežábek, M. Šeda and M. Semonský Some O-acyl derivatives of D-6-methyl-8-(2-hydroxyethyl)ergolene and D-6-methyl-8-(2-hydroxyethyl)ergoline(I) -
pp. 1773-1779
J. Fajkoš and J. Joska 5,7-Cyclosteroids with an oxygen function in position 1 -
pp. 1780-1786
A. Mironowicz, L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš 5,7-Cyclo-B-homopregnane derivatives with an oxygen function in position 21 -
pp. 1787-1793
J. Hejtmánková and Č. Černý Solid-gas equilibrium in the binary system sodium hydrogen sulphate-water -
pp. 1794-1796
V. K. Chuikina, A. V. Kiselev, L. V. Mineeva and G. G. Muttik Influence of the temperature on the form of the dependence of heat of adsorption of water by zeolite KNaX on the adsorption amount -
pp. 1797-1804
J. Tichý, J. Kůstka and J. Vencl Auswahl des Katalysators und Reaktionsbedingungen -
pp. 1805-1809
B. Štíbr, J. Plešek and S. Heřmánek Synthesis of 6,9-dicarba-nido-decaborane(14) from 5,6-dicarba-nido-decaborane(12) -
pp. 1810-1822
I. Fořt, J. Placek, J. Krátký, J. Durdil and J. Drbohlav Turbulent characteristics of the velocity field in a system with turbine impeller and radial baffles -
pp. 1823-1835
J. Čermák and M. Rosenbaum The structure of the gas-liquid mixture on a sieve plate without downcomer. The conductivity method -
pp. 1836-1842
M. Popl, V. Dolanský and J. Mostecký Adsorption chromatography of alkyldiaromatics and alkyltriaromatics -
pp. 1843-1850
J. Hála and L. Bednářová Hafnium complexes with malonic and maleic acids in aqueous medium -
pp. 1851-1857
M. Šimek Einfluss der Mineralsäuren und der Permitivität eines Mischlösungsmittels auf die Austauschergleichgewichte von Calciumionen -
pp. 1858-1861
A. Janoušová, M. J. Beneš, M. Janić and J. Peška Polymerization of substituted phenylacetylenes: Charge transfer complexes of p-dimethylaminophenylacetylene -
pp. 1862-1868
A. Perjéssy, G. Melikian, P. Hrnčiar and M. Lácová Influence of solvents on transmission of substituent effects by the oxygen and sulfur bridges -
pp. 1869-1871
O. Červinka, P. Maloň and H. Procházková Asymmetric reductions using optically active alkoxylithiumaluminiumdeuteride -
pp. 1872-1879
J. Kuthan, V. Skála, M. Ichová and J. Paleček Reaction of 1,3,5-tricyanobenzene with complex hydrides -
pp. 1880-1884
V. Bažant and M. Černý Synthesis of p-chlorophenyldiphenylsilanes and unsymmetrical p-bis-silylarylenes from p-dichlorobenzene and p-bromochlorobenzene by the Grignard reaction -
pp. 1885-1891
M. Koval and Jaroslav Jonas Reaction of 2-alkoxy-3-chlorotetrahydrofurans with phenyllithium -
pp. 1892-1897
A. Krutošíková, J. Kováč and V. Sýkora The synthesis of 5-aryl-2-furancarboxylic acids -
pp. 1898-1904
L. Streinz, M. Romaňuk and F. Šorm Preparation of derivatives of ω-cyclohexyl-2-alkenoic acids -
pp. 1905-1913
Pavel Kočovský and Ž. Procházka The synthesis of androstane derivatives with an aromatic B-ring -
pp. 1914-1924
J. Joska, J. Fajkoš and M. Buděšínský Synthesis of 4,5-cyclo-A-homo-B-norcholestane derivatives -
pp. 1925-1932
E. Simonianová and M. Petáková Rat serum hydrolases cleaving N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester -
pp. 1933-1939
L. Morávek N-Terminal amino acid sequence of 55 residues of hog pepsin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.