- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1974, Volume 39, Issue 5
pp. 1107-1117
M. Horák and A. Vítek Computerized assignment of the binary combination/overtone vibrational frequencies to infrared bands of monohalogeno benzenes -
pp. 1118-1124
J. Přibilová and J. Pouchlý Vapour pressure of some low-volatile hydrocarbons determined by the effusion method -
pp. 1125-1130
J. Chlebný and F. Kosek Absorption near the absorption edge of a TlxAs2-xS3-x system -
pp. 1131-1139
P. Chuchvalec, M. Havlíček and J. Horák The effect of external mass transfer on the selectivity of heterogeneously catalyzed consecutive competitive reactions -
pp. 1140-1149
V. Všetečka and O. Exner A new interpretation of dipole moments of aliphatic and aromatic nitro compounds -
pp. 1150-1157
K. Ubik, V. Bekárek and J. Slouka Mass spectra of ethyl arylhydrazonocyanoacetylcarbamates -
pp. 1158-1168
M. Krumpolc, V. Bažant and J. Málek Formation of linear oligomers in the initial phase of polyesterification of terephthalic acid -
pp. 1169-1176
J. Pola, M. Jakoubková and V. Chvalovský Mechanism of reversible cleavage of acetoxysilanes to siloxanes and acetanhydride -
pp. 1177-1184
R. Ponec, V. Chvalovský, E. A. Černyšev, N. G. Komarenkova and S. A. Baškirova Stereospecifity of electronic interactions in silacyclopentenes and cyclopentenylsilanes -
pp. 1185-1191
R. Ponec and V. Chvalovský A quantum chemical study of effects of silyl substituents in phenyl- and benzylsilanes -
pp. 1192-1209
J. Pecka, J. Staněk, jr and M. Černý Preparation and the properties of 2,3-, 2,4-, and 3,4-dideoxy derivatives of 1,6-anhydro-β-D-glycero-hexopyranosuloses and corresponding alcohols -
pp. 1210-1215
M. Ferles and O. Kocián Reduction of 1-alkylpyridinium halides with sodium aluminum hydride -
pp. 1216-1219
L. Pavlíčková, B. Koutek, J. Velek and M. Souček Preparation of substituted acetophenones from carboxylic acid esters -
pp. 1220-1228
A. Jurášek, J. Kováč and D. Geisbacher Synthesis and properties of 1-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-1-phenylsulfonyl-2-[5-(X-phenyl)-2-furyl]ethylenes -
pp. 1229-1234
J. Pichler and J. Kořenský Reaction of 2-chlorotetrahydrofuran and 2,3-dichlorotetrahydrofuran with pyridine and its monosubstituted derivatives -
pp. 1235-1245
E. Gey, Ch. Jung and J. Sauer Restricted Hartree-Fock-Berechnungen von open-shell-Systemen mittels halbempirischer MO-LCAO-SCF-Verfahren -
pp. 1246-1248
J. Vejrosta and I. Wichterle The propane-pentane system at high pressures -
pp. 1249-1252
J. Toušek Connexion between hyperstructure and electrochemical properties of alloys -
pp. 1253-1263
Z. Prokop and K. Setínek Chemisorption properties and catalytic activity of organic cation exchange resins -
pp. 1264-1270
Ľ. Adamčíková and Ľ. Treindl Kinetic study of a redox reaction of U(III) ions with benzaldehyde and salicylaldehyde -
pp. 1271-1289
I. Frič, M. Kodíček, K. Jošt and K. Bláha Chiroptical properties of carba-analogues of oxytocin: Conformational considerations -
pp. 1290-1302
I. Frič, M. Kodíček, Ž. Procházka, K. Jošt and K. Bláha Synthesis and circular dichroism of some analogues of deamino-1-carba-oxytocin with modifications of the amino-acid residue in position 2 -
pp. 1303-1312
R. Řeřicha, J. Štokr, M. Jakoubková, P. Svoboda and V. Chvalovský The vibrational spectra of vinylmethylhalosilanes H2C=CH(CH3)3-nSiXn (n = 1, 2; X = F, Cl) -
pp. 1313-1317
R. Ponec, V. Chvalovský, E. A. Černyšev, S. A. Ščepinov and T. L. Krasnova A HMO study of hyperconjugation, charge-transfer spectra of substituted silafluorenes -
pp. 1318-1323
M. Kraus Kinetics of the addition of trichlorosilane to acetylene catalysed by chloroplatinic acid on polymer -
pp. 1324-1329
P. Svoboda, R. Řeřicha and J. Hetflejš Reactions of [(C6H5)3P]3RuCl2 with some silicon hydrides -
pp. 1330-1335
A. Pošta, O. Paleta, J. Voves and P. Trška Reaction of trifluoroethylene with fluorochloromethanes in the presence of aluminium chloride -
pp. 1336-1341
O. Paleta, J. Okrouhlík and V. Kubelka Reactions of secondary amines with methyl trifluoroacrylate -
pp. 1342-1355
M. Procházka, B. Uchytil and J. Zelinka Alkyl and arylpropenonitriles -
pp. 1356-1365
A. Martvoň, J. Surá and M. Černayová 2-Phenyl-6-benzothiazolyl isothiocyanates -
pp. 1366-1376
M. Rajšner, E. Svátek, J. Metyš and M. Protiva Geometric isomerism of 4-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)-9H-thieno[2,3-b]benzo[e]thiepin -
pp. 1377-1381
V. Šanda, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm Synthesis of B-norcortisol -
pp. 1382-1390
A. Vystrčil and J. Protiva Photo-oxidation of 28-lupanol and its derivatives -
pp. 1391-1396
M. Černý, O. Juláková and J. Pacák Preparation of 2-amino-1,6-anhydro-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranose and 2-amino-1,6:3,4-dianhydro-2-deoxy-β-D-galactopyranose -
pp. 1397-1402
M. Fábry and I. Rychlík The initiation of peptide chain synthesis in systems directed by messenger with no initiator codon
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.