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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1971, 36, 2200-2204

Ergot alkaloids. XXXVIII. Some amides of D-6-methyl-8-ergolin(I)ylacetic acid

M. Semonský, N. Kucharczyk, M. Beran, K. Řežábek and M. Šeda

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  • Floss H.G., Cassady J.M., Robbers J.E.: Influence of ergot alkaloids on pituitary prolactin and prolactin‐dependent processes. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1973, 62, 699. <>
  • Krejčí P., Aušková M., Režábek K., Bílek J., Semonský M.: The effect of the ergoline derivative VUFB-6683 on the adenohypophysial prolactin concentration in rats. Experientia 1973, 29, 1262. <>
  • SEMONSKY M., KUCHARCZYK N., BERAN M., REZABEK K., SEDA M.: ChemInform Abstract: ERGOT‐ALKALOIDE 38. MITT. AMIDE DER D‐6‐METHYL‐ERGOLINYL‐(8)‐ESSIGSAEURE. Chemischer Informationsdienst. Organische Chemie 1971, 2. <>