- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1971, Volume 36, Issue 4
pp. 1329-1337
J. Fexa, J. Poživil and K. Široký Application of temperature coefficients of permittivity for binary mixtures analysis -
pp. 1338-1346
J. Hanika, K. Sporka and V. Růžička Diffusion of gases in liquids. II. Dissolution of a stationary gas bubble in a liquid -
pp. 1347-1357
J. Eichler, M. Sivoková and A. Matějíček Drop coalescence. II. The system: water-toluene mathematic-statistical evaluation of drop coalescence -
pp. 1358-1369
J. Hanika, K. Sporka and V. Růžička Investigation of hydrogenation in liquid phase. XVII. Theoretical model of hydrogenation in a liquid film on a vertical column of spheres -
pp. 1370-1378
V. Novák Polarometrische Titrationen mit zwei Quecksilbertropfelektroden -
pp. 1379-1387
M. Matrka, J. Kroupa and A. Spěvák Analyse von Farbstoffen und von bei der Farbstofferzeugung anfallenden Zwischenprodukten XIII. Titrationsbestimmung einiger Farbstoffe, bei denen sich im Molekül eine Amino-, fallweise Iminogruppe vorfindet, mit einer Nitritmasslösung -
pp. 1388-1396
H. Pivcová and J. Kahovec Long-range coupling constants of ortho-alkylphenols -
pp. 1397-1405
V. Zvonař and L. Mandík Reaction equilibrium of polyanhydride formation. I. Solution based on binary system equilibria -
pp. 1406-1412
D. Zacharová-Kalavská and A. Perjéssy Polarographische und präparative Elektroreduktion von 3'- und 4'-substituierten Derivaten des Benzyliden-1,3-indandions -
pp. 1413-1425
J. Kuthan and M. Ichová HMO study of monohydroxypyridines and their benzoderivatives -
pp. 1426-1435
M. Tichý and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. LVIII. Synthesis of trans-anti-trans-perhydro-as-indacene, a system containing a frozen cyclohexane chair -
pp. 1436-1447
M. Tichý, S. Vašíčková, A. Vítek and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. LIX. Flattened chair and twist-boat conformations in cis-2-dimethylaminocyclohexanols -
pp. 1448-1471
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXXXIII. Synthesis of the sugar fragment of exotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis -
pp. 1472-1481
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXXXIV. Synthesis of the nucleosidic moiety of exotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis -
pp. 1482-1486
A. Pískala, M. Zimmermann, G. Fouquet and M. Schlosser Olefinierungen mit Phosphor-yliden. III. Ist der Ylid-kohlenstoff in Triphenylphosphonio-alkyliden planar oder pyramidal konfiguriert? -
pp. 1487-1495
M. Prystaš, H. Gustafsson and F. Šorm The epoxide ring opening of 2-O-acyl-1,6:3,4-dianhydro-β-D-galactopyranoses -
pp. 1496-1503
Z. Sedláček Kinetics of adsorption. III. Correlation of kinetic isotherms in an isothermal space diagram -
pp. 1504-1521
R. Merta Properties of chemisorbed hydrocarbon layers on metals. I. Disproportionation of cyclopropane on iron -
pp. 1522-1536
J. Dědek Association and aggregation of molecules in the vapour phase. I. Second virial coefficient of methanol, n-hexane and their mixtures at 50 °C -
pp. 1537-1545
B. Hájek, V. Brožek and M. Popl Untersuchung hydrolysierbarer Carbide IV. Herstellung und Hydrolyse von Mischkristallen im System CaC2-YC2 -
pp. 1546-1560
I. Fořt, J. Vlček, M. Cink and M. Hrubý Study on mixing. XXVIII. Velocity field at the wall of vessel with axial mixer and radial baffles -
pp. 1561-1568
Z. Šulcek and V. Sixta Verteilung von Blei und Wismut mittels Extraktionschromatographie -
pp. 1569-1577
K. Dušek and B. Sedláček Effect of diluents on the microsyneresis in poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gels induced by temperature changes -
pp. 1578-1587
J. Schraml, Z. Pacl and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXIII. PMR spectra of vinylaminosilanes -
pp. 1588-1597
Z. Pacl, M. Jakoubková, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXIV. The effect of structure on the basicity of some dimethylaminosilanes -
pp. 1598-1603
V. Zvěřina, J. Diviš, J. Marhold and M. Matrka 1-Aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazene compounds. VI. Oxidation of 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyltriazene and of some of its para-substituted derivatives by molecular oxygen in Udenfried's model of hydroxylase -
pp. 1604-1610
J. Kroupa, V. Chmátal and M. Matrka N-Nitrosierung primärer aromatischer Amine X. Reaktionskinetik der Bisdiazotierung einiger substituierter Benzidinderivate -
pp. 1611-1623
Z. J. Vejdělek and M. Protiva Benzocycloheptenes and heterocyclic analogues as potential drugs. I. N-Substituted derivatives of 5-amino-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptene and some other compounds -
pp. 1624-1628
J. Novotný Isolation of components from peptic digest of normal human γG immunoglobulin -
pp. 1629-1633
F. Jiráček, M. Havlíček and J. Horák Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXIII. Study of effects of heat and mass transfer between the external catalyst particle surface and the bulk of the reaction mixture on dynamic behaviour of catalyst particles for reaction of hydrogen with oxygen -
pp. 1634-1639
F. Štráfelda and J. Krofta Anodic oxidation of sulphites -
pp. 1639-1643
S. Heřmánek and H. Plotová Chemistry of boranes. XXII. The acidity of boranes -
pp. 1644-1649
P. Knobloch Voltametrie von 1,4-Aminophenol und seiner Homologen in Acetonitril -
pp. 1650-1653
R. N. Soni The composition and stability of the complex between uranyl ions and 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid in aqueous medium -
pp. 1654-1659
R. Beneš, N. Hlasivcová and J. Novák Reaktion von Vanadat(V)-ionen im sauren Medium -
pp. 1659-1664
O. Navrátil and J. Smola Hafnium(IV)-Extraktion XI. Stabilität von Hafnium(IV)-oxalatkomplexen -
pp. 1665-1669
J. Rais Über den bei der Extraktion von Molybdatophosphorsäure und Cäsiummikromengen in Nitrobenzol herrschenden Mechanismus -
pp. 1670-1673
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. VIII. The distribution of solvents in the ion exchanger phase in mixed media system -
pp. 1673-1677
B. Moldan and M. Mikšovský On the determination of strontium in silicates, carbonates and sulphates by atomic absorption spectroscopy -
pp. 1678-1681
R. Rychlý, J. Bauer and J. Biroš Crystals of monoethanolamine terephthalate -
pp. 1682-1687
Z. Pacl, M. Jakoubková, V. Bažant and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXV. The relative basicities of some cyclosilazanes and cyclogermazanes -
pp. 1687-1689
O. Červinka, L. Hub and G. Snatzke Asymmetric reactions. XXXIX. Circular dichroism of some alkylphenylacetic acids -
pp. 1690-1694
J. Kroupa and M. Matrka N-Nitrosierung primärer aromatischer Amine VIII. Untersuchung der Monodiazotierungskinetik von o-Phenylendiamin -
pp. 1695-1700
J. Kroupa and M. Matrka N-Nitrosierung primärer aromatischer Amine IX. Zu einigen Fragen der Bisdiazotierung und der Beziehung zwischen der Monodiazotierung und Bisdiazotierung von o-Phenylendiamin -
pp. 1701-1704
K. Kefurt, Z. Kefurtová and J. Jarý Lactones. XV. Synthesis of 4,6-dideoxy-L-lyxo-hexopyranose and the 4,6-dideoxy-L-lyxo-hexonolactone -
pp. 1705-1708
J. Bajgar Kinetics of hydrolysis of thiocholine esters by plasma cholinesterases from various animals -
pp. 1709-1712
L. Hládek, S. Černý and L. Cettl Analogue simulation of heat conduction in the wall of adsorption calorimeter
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.