- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1971, Volume 36, Issue 2
pp. 323-330
D. Bauer and J. P. Beck Molten antimony trichloride as a solvent for electrochemical studies. II. Electrochemical oxidation of some amines. Application to the pHCl measurement -
pp. 331-350
D. Fleury and M. B. Fleury Etude polarographique des semi-carbazones de derives des aci-reductones -
pp. 351-362
J. Armand and O. Convert Polarography and controlled potential electrolysis of some geminal or α-substituted α-ethylenic nitro derivatives -
pp. 363-376
E. Laviron Influence de l'adsorption et de l'orientation des molecules de depolarisant sur les caracteristiques cinetiques ou thermodynamiques de la reaction electrochimique -
pp. 377-388
G. Karlberg On the mechanism of crevice corrosion of stainless chromium steels -
pp. 389-403
N. Meurée and L. Gierst The influence of the adsorption of thiourea on electrode processes at the mercury electrode -
pp. 404-413
D. Dumanović, M. Miloradović and Dj. Kosanović Polarographic behaviour of some new N1-isonicotinoyl-N2-disubstituted hydrazines and determination their structure -
pp. 414-425
T. Biegler, E. R. Gonzalez and R. Parsons A study of the rate of simple electrode reactions as a function of the solvent -
pp. 426-438
J. Balej Phase equilibria in the system NaOH-H2O2-H2O -
pp. 439-453
K. Mund, G. Richter and F. V. Sturm Aktivitätsvergleich an Katalysatoren für saure Brennstoffzellen und Entwicklung einer Ag-WC-Elektrode für die H2-Oxydation -
pp. 454-463
D. R. Flinn, M. Rosen and S. Schuldiner Double layer capacitance on platinum -
pp. 464-475
E. Gileadi Selective inhibition and self-inhibition of electrode reactions by organic compounds -
pp. 476-484
E. Kariv and E. Gileadi The reduction of β-diketones on mercury -
pp. 485-493
E. Erdös Kinetics of the reaction between the solid sodium carbonate and the gaseous sulphur dioxide. VI. Statistical molecular model of the excess kinetic function -
pp. 494-502
K. Mocek and E. Erdös Disproportionation of the barium sulphite -
pp. 503-511
W. R. Fawcett, D. J. Bieman and M. D. Mackey The electroreduction of anions in fomamide and water; A comparison of the double layer cation effect -
pp. 512-519
H. Kölbel, M. Rálek and P. Jírů Infrarotspektren des Kohlenmonoxids auf einem Fe/MgO Mischkatalysator -
pp. 520-527
J. Nováková, P. Jírů and V. Zavadil Isotopic exchange of gaseous deuterium with lattice hydrogen of hydrides -
pp. 528-533
J. Llopis, J. M. Gamboa and V. Menéndez Radiochemical study of the anodic corrosion of iridium -
pp. 534-543
O. Exner and E. Svátek Substituent effects in infrared spectroscopy. I. The O-H stretching frequencies in monomeric benzoic acids -
pp. 544-550
M. Horák and J. Moravec Studies of solute-solvent interactions. IV. Solvent effects on half-widths and intensities of ν(OH) band in infrared spectra -
pp. 551-559
V. Bosáček and Z. Tvarůžková Studies of adsorption mechanism on zeolites of the faujasite type by infrared spectroscopy. I. Adsorption of methanol on decationated X-type zeolites -
pp. 560-566
P. Čársky, O. Chalvet, S. Hünig, D. Scheutzow and R. Zahradník Conjugated radicals. X. Bisazulenylethylene and related systems -
pp. 567-574
M. Malinovský and J. Vrbenská Dissociation of anions AlF63- in systems containing Li3AlF6. I. The systems LiF-Li3AlF6 and Li3AlF6-AlF3 -
pp. 575-584
W. Sümmermann and H. Baumgärtel Zur elektrochemischen Oxydation von 2,4,5-Triarylimidazolanionen -
pp. 585-598
J. Pinson and J. Armand Electrochemical reduction of compounds with A-N=C-C=N- group. I. Quinoxalines -
pp. 599-617
J. Čížek, J. Paldus, L. Šroubková and J. Vojtík Full configuration interaction for the π-electronic model of benzene. I. General expressions for singlets -
pp. 618-624
J. Paldus, J. Čížek and L. Šroubková Full configuration interaction for the π-electronic model of benzene. II. Correlation energy and low lying singlet excitation energies -
pp. 625-637
G. Wranglén The rustless iron pillar at Delphi -
pp. 638-650
J. Mrha, M. Musilová and J. Jindra Carbon electrodes for the electroreduction of air oxygen -
pp. 651-657
H. Sohr Untersuchungen zum Durchtrittsmechanismus von Kupfer(II)-ionen durch Adsorptionsschichten and der Hg-Elektrode -
pp. 658-663
M. J. Allen Electrochemical behavior of blood. I. A voltammetric study of metabolizing erythrocytes -
pp. 664-673
R. Řeřicha and Z. Šír Vacuum polarographic investigation of air oxygen dissolved in ethylene glycol -
pp. 674-679
F. Colom and A. Bódalo Corrosion of mild steel in molten KCl-LiCl eutectic -
pp. 680-688
M. A. LaBoda, J. P. Hoare and S. E. Beacom The importance of the electrolyte in electrochemical machining -
pp. 689-697
I. Morcos Determination of double layer parameters from electrocapillary curves of partially immersed electrodes -
pp. 698-713
Ya. Stradyn and V. Kadysh Mechanism and kinetics of polarographic reduction of 2-phenylindan-1,3-dione -
pp. 714-721
A. Hamelin and J. Lecoeur Comportement d'electrodes d'or monocristallines en solutions de fluorure de sodium diluees -
pp. 722-729
N. V. Fedorovich, A. N. Frumkin and Kh. E. Keis Influence of the structure of electrical double layers on the electroreduction of anions and the nature of the metal -
pp. 730-739
G. Battistuzzi Gavioli, G. Grandi and R. Andreoli Solvent effects on the mechanism of polarographic reduction of nitroalkanes -
pp. 740-756
J. P. Launay, P. Souchay and M. Boyer Mécanisme de réduction électrochimique de quelques polytungstates -
pp. 757-766
J. C. Reeve An examination of the steady-state kinetics of consecutive and parallel electrode reactions -
pp. 767-780
A. K. Shallal, H. H. Bauer and D. Britz Adsorption at electrodes: Isotherm parameters for alkyl alcohols in various electrolytes -
pp. 781-795
H. Buhl Differentielle Doppelschichtkapazität an der Phasengrenze quecksilber-anorganischer Elektrolyt -
pp. 796-815
U. Gaunitz and W. Lorenz Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Moleküladsorption an Quecksilberelektroden -
pp. 816-828
W. J. Plieth and K. J. Vetter Mechanism of charge-transfer in the case of the adsorption of redox components -
pp. 829-841
J. C. Folest, C. Chevrot and J. Perichon Energetique electrochimique de l'echange d l'ion chlorure en milieu tetrahydrofuranne -
pp. 842-854
R. Hand, M. Melicharek, D. I. Scoggin, R. Stotz, A. K. Carpenter and R. F. Nelson Electrochemical oxidation pathways of substituted dimethylanilines -
pp. 855-865
R. Guidelli and G. Pezzatini Influence of specific adsorption of reactant and product upon charge-transfer processes in voltammetry: The I2/I- couple in acetic acid and acetic anhydride on platinum -
pp. 866-876
E. Levart and D. Schuhmann Sur l'impedance de diffusion pour une électrode a disque tournant dans le domaine des très basses fréquences -
pp. 877-882
A. V. Gorodyskii and Yu. K. Delimarskii Voltammetric characteristics od the activation polarization -
pp. 883-889
G. Amsel, C. Cherki, M. Croset, G. Feuillade, J. P. Nadai, C. Ortega, S. Rigo and J. Siejka The use of the nuclear microanalysis of light elements in electrochemistry applications to anodic oxidation processes by direct determination of 16O and by 18O tracing -
pp. 890-905
D. Papoušek, K. Sarka, V. Špirko and B. Jordanov The FG matrix treatment of normal vibrations in ethylene-like and nitromethane-like molecules with free internal rotation -
pp. 906-913
L. Müller and P. Janietz Zum Mechanismus des katalytischen Zerfalles von H2O2 an Ag-Elektroden in alkalischer Lösung -
pp. 914-924
L. Kiss, L. DoNgoc and M. L. Varsányi On the anodic dissolution of iron in non-aqueous acetic acid solutions -
pp. 925-928
J. H. Stocker and R. M. Jenevein Quantitative studies in stereochemistry. XIV. Electrochemistry V. Effect of the medium on the stereochemistry of the electropinacolization of acetophenone -
pp. 928-931
G. Schulz-Ekloff, D. Baresel and J. Heidemeyer Influence of competitive adsorption of water and fuel on the activity of anodes in fuel cells -
pp. 932-935
M. R. Rifi Mechanism of carbon-halogen bond cleavage. III. Electrochemical preparation of highly strained hydrocarbons -
pp. 935-939
D. Ž. Sužnjević and M. V. Šušić Behaviour of uranyl ion upon reduction from the ethylenedisulphurdiacetic acid solution at the dropping mercury electrode -
pp. 940-944
D. Bauer, J. P. Beck and P. Texier Molten antimony trichloride as a solvent for electrochemical studies. I. Electrochemical oxidation of some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons -
pp. 944-947
J. Heidemeyer, D. Baresel, W. Gellert and P. Scharner Elektrokatalytische Oxydation und Reduktion von Wasserstoff an Carbiden, Siliciden und Nitriden verschiedener Übergangs-Metalle -
pp. 948-950
V. Čermák Penning ionization electron spectroscopy. III. Ionization of cadmium -
pp. 950-953
K. Spurný, R. Blaschke and G. Pfefferon Analytische Methoden zur Bestimmung von Aerosolen unter Verwendung von Membranultrafiltern XVI. Zur Untersuchung der Struktur und der Eigenschaften von analytischen Porenfiltern mit Hilfe der Rasterelektronenmikroskopie -
pp. 954-956
B. Binek and B. Dohnalová A new aerosol particle analyser -
pp. 957-960
J. Jindra and J. Mrha Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. XV. Structural properties of carbon electrodes bonded with thermoplastic resins -
pp. 961-969
P. Čársky and R. Zahradník Conjugated radicals. VIII. A comparison of the open shell SCF results obtained by the method of Longuet-Higgins and Pople and by the method of Roothaan
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.