- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1971, Volume 36, Issue 1
pp. 1-17
I. Roušar, V. Cezner and J. Hostomský Flow electrolyzers. VI. Calculation of voltage and current densities for diaphragm flow electrolyzers -
pp. 18-34
P. Voňka, V. Svoboda, K. Strubl and R. Holub Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XLVI. System cyclohexane-1-butanol at 50 and 70 °C -
pp. 35-43
A. Matějíček, M. Sivoková and J. Eichler Drop coalescence. I. Coalescence of two drops; The system water-toluene -
pp. 44-53
P. Zahradník and J. Leška LCAO HMO study of the reactivity of chalcones -
pp. 54-63
P. Mitschka and P. Schneider Einfluss der Porendiffusion auf katalytische Reaktionen VIII. Mehrdeutige stationäre Lösungen in isothermen Systemen -
pp. 64-76
F. Jiráček, M. Havlíček and J. Horák Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXII. Study on effects of heat and mass transfer between the external surface of catalyst particle and the bulk of reaction mixture on reaction rate of hydrogen with oxygen -
pp. 77-83
V. Talášek and J. Eliášek Kinetics of ion exchange. VII. Measurements in the film diffusion region -
pp. 84-91
M. Hájek, J. Málek and V. Bažant Kinetics of thermal decomposition of ammonium salts of terephthalic and isophthalic acids -
pp. 92-100
R. Kohn and V. Tibenský Exchange of calcium, strontium and barium ions on pectin -
pp. 101-113
R. Karlíček and J. Majer Neue Komplexane XX. Untersuchung der azidobasischen und komplexbildenden Eigenschaften der N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyäthyl)glycinhydroxamsäure -
pp. 114-123
M. Fedoroňko, E. Fülleová and K. Linek Elektroreduktion der Tetrosen -
pp. 124-131
K. Kefurt, Z. Kefurtová, J. Němec, J. Jarý, I. Frič and K. Bláha Optical rotatory dispersion of dimethylamides of aldonic acids -
pp. 132-142
Ž. Procházka On steroids. CXXXIII. Glucosylation of steroids by potato tuber slices; Structural requirements -
pp. 143-149
J. Juřina, E. Ružička and L. Soběhartová Reactions of nitrosophenols. V. Preparation of some derivatives of 1-hydroxy-3-phenoxazone -
pp. 150-163
A. Mistr, V. Láznička and M. Vávra Organische lichtempfindliche Stoffe II. Benzoylmethylenderivative heterocyclischer stickstoffhaltiger Basen als Sensibilisatoren für lichtempfindliche Polymere -
pp. 164-185
I. Fořt, H. Valešová and V. Kudrna Studies on mixing. XXVII. Liquid circulation in a system with axial mixer and radial baffles -
pp. 186-194
N. Hlasivcová and J. Novák Über die Reaktion des Permanganats mit Hydroxylamin -
pp. 195-201
J. Vulterin Oximations-Schnellbestimmung von Acetaldehyd -
pp. 202-208
Jaroslav Jonas, M. Kratochvíl, J. Mikula and J. Pichler Reactions of chlorinated furanidines. VII. The kinetics of formation of pyridinium salts -
pp. 209-217
J. Kaválek, J. Socha, J. Urbánek and M. Večeřa Influence of dimethyl sulfoxide on reactivity of substituted 2-nitrochlorobenzenes and 3-nitro-4-chloroazobenzenes -
pp. 218-233
K. Jošt Amino acids and peptides. XCIX. An improved synthesis of deamino-carba1-oxytocin comparison of various methods for peptide cyclisation -
pp. 234-245
K. Jošt and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. C. The effect of the presence of sulphur atoms on the biological activity of oxytocin; Synthesis of deamino-carba6-oxytocin and deamino-dicarba-oxytocin -
pp. 246-261
E. Wittenburg Nucleoside und verwandte Verbindungen. VII. Alkylierung und Glykosidierung der Silyl-derivate 6-substituierter Uracile -
pp. 262-270
J. Klicnar, M. Hájek, J. Hoffmann and M. Večeřa Studies in the quinoxaline series. VII. Cyclization reactions of some 2-methoxylcarbonylquinoxaline derivatives -
pp. 271-280
A. Čihák and H. C. Pitot Inhibitory mechanism of 5-fluoroorotate action in rat liver -
pp. 281-285
M. Horská HMO study of toluene and xylenes using induction and heteroatom models -
pp. 286-290
K. Lívanský and V. Kolář Hydrodynamics of plate columns. V. Effect of geometry of a sieve plate with downcomer on structure of gas-liquid mixture on the plate -
pp. 290-292
R. Beneš and J. Novák Über die Vanadylreaktion -
pp. 293-296
J. Vulterin Oximations-Schnellbestimmung von Formaldehyd -
pp. 297-298
K. Jošt and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. CI. The preparation of Nα-acetyl-2-O-methyltyrosine-oxytocin, a powerful inhibitor of the uterotonic activity of oxytocin -
pp. 299-303
V. Seidlová, L. Novák, J. O. Jílek, J. Metyš and M. Protiva Antihistamine substances. LIII. ortho-Substituted derivatives of 1,1-diphenyl-1-(2-dimethylaminoethoxy)ethane -
pp. 303-307
V. Heřmánková, A. Zobáčová and J. Jarý Reduction of secondary p-toluenesulphonyloxy groups with lithium aluminium hydride in sugar series. II. Reduction of α- and β-methyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-di-O-p-toluenesulphonyl-D-galactopyranoside -
pp. 307-311
L. Lešetický and M. Procházka Isomerisation von Nitroolefinen -
pp. 312-315
V. Kleinwächter Differences in stabilization of adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine pairs in deoxyribonucleic acids by diaminoacridine dyes -
pp. 316-317
A. Holý and Ng. D. Hong Synthesis of ribonucleoside 5'-O-hydroxymethanephosphonates
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.