- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1970, Volume 35, Issue 8
pp. 2223-2243
A. Tockstein Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik VIII. Potential-Zeit-Kurven für Redoxreaktionen dritter Ordnung -
pp. 2244-2249
M. Postler Conductance of concentrated aqueous solutions of electrolytes. II. Strong polyvalent electrolytes -
pp. 2250-2257
M. Jágrová Gleichgewichtssorption einiger anionischen Farbstoffe aus wässriger Lösung an Polyäthylenglykolmethacrylat-Gel -
pp. 2258-2274
M. Hájek, J. C. Duchet and K. Kochloefl Effect of structure on the dehydrogenation rate of secondary alcohols on platinum, palladium and rhodium catalysts -
pp. 2275-2285
M. Šimek Sorption von Äthanol und Wasser mit Hilfe eines starksauren makroporösen Kationenaustauschers und eines starkbasischen makroporösen Anionenaustauschers -
pp. 2286-2295
J. Kolařík and M. Ilavský Calculation of the parameters of mechanical dispersions of glassy polymers from the temperature dependence of the components of the complex modulus of elasticity -
pp. 2296-2313
S. Chládek, P. Pulkrábek, J. Sonnenbichler, J. Žemlička and I. Rychlík Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides, and polynucleotides. X. Synthesis of adenosine 2'(3')-O-aminoacyl and 2',3'-O-bisaminoacyl derivatives -
pp. 2314-2323
J. Smrt Homopolymers of N4-hydroxy- and N4-methoxycytidylic acid and their interaction with polyadenylic acid -
pp. 2324-2333
F. Mareš, P. Neudörfl, Z. Plzák and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXI. Synthesis of some silylsubstituted benzoic acids -
pp. 2334-2344
J. Arient, V. Slavík and J. Marhan Anthrachinonfarbstoffe VIII. Über die Cyclisierung einfacher Dianthrimide mit Aluminiumchlorid in Pyridin -
pp. 2345-2354
M. Skyvová and L. Macholán Inhibition of pea diamine oxidase by aliphatic amino ketones and their reaction with pyridoxal 5-phosphate -
pp. 2355-2366
I. Žežula Zum polarographischen Verhalten der Anionen der Polythionsäuren V. Reduktion des Pentathionat-Anions -
pp. 2367-2377
L. Zanderighi, K. Setínek and L. Beránek Kinetics of complex heterogeneous catalytic reactions. IV. Competitive gas-phase reesterification of esters with alcohols on sulphonated ion exchanger -
pp. 2378-2391
V. Skála and J. Kuthan Molecular orbital study of the NMR and electronic spectra of monocyanopyridines, dicyanopyridines, and 2,4,6-tricyanopyridine -
pp. 2392-2397
Z. Polívka and M. Ferles Hydroboration of unsaturated amines. VI. Hydroboration of 1-methyl-3-piperideine and 1,3-dimethyl-3-piperideine -
pp. 2398-2407
V. Gut, S. Chládek and J. Žemlička Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides, and polynucleotides. XI. The use of 5-chloro-8-hydroxyquinoline (chloroxine) esters in the selective acylation of nucleoside and oligonucleotide aminoacyl derivatives -
pp. 2408-2417
H. Velgová and V. Černý On steroids. CXXX. A-Homosteroids I: The preparation of 6β-acetoxy-A-homo-5α-cholestan-4-one -
pp. 2418-2443
F. Šantavý, L. Hruban, V. Šimánek and D. Walterová Ultraviolet spectra: Methoxy and methylenedioxy groups of some aromatic compounds and alkaloids. II. The effect of methoxy and methylenedioxy groups on the ultraviolet spectra of aromatic compounds with a conjugated carbonyl chromophore -
pp. 2444-2462
Z. J. Allan and J. Podstata Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXXIV. Über das abweichende Verhalten der peri-aminonaphtholsulfonsäuren bei der Kupplung -
pp. 2463-2471
J. Jonák and I. Rychlík Formation of active complex mRNA-70S ribosome-peptidyl-tRNA -
pp. 2472-2476
J. Novotný and F. Škvařil Isolation and immunochemical characterization of products of peptic digestion of human γG immunoglobulin -
pp. 2477-2480
J. Adámek and V. Ponec Thermomolecular effect of gases at higher temperatures -
pp. 2480-2484
O. Dračka Studium der Kinetic von Elektrodenvorgängen mit Hilfe der Elektrolyse bei konstantem Strom. XIV. Werte der Funktion für die numerische Berechnung der Geschwindigkeitskonstante einer irreversiblen Folgereaktion zweiter Ordnung -
pp. 2485-2487
V. Talášek Makroporosität und Selektivität hochvernetzter Ionenaustauscher -
pp. 2488-2493
S. Heřmánek and J. Plešek Chemistry of boranes. XXI. Resolution of iso-octadecaborane to optical enantiomers -
pp. 2494-2496
B. Hájek and F. Benda Beiträge zur Systematik von Fluorosilicaten und Fluorogermanaten I. Über die Doppelverbindung [NH4]3[GeF6]F -
pp. 2497-2501
J. Vrbský and J. Fogl Reaktion von Metallionen mit Carboxy-Derivaten des Phenylfluorons -
pp. 2502-2505
D. Crăciunescu and A. Fruma La chimie coordinative du cuivre nouveaux complexes du Cu2+ avec les xylidines et les acides arylsulfoniques -
pp. 2505-2507
O. Quadrat The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. IV. The Huggins constant -
pp. 2508-2510
J. Slouka and K. Nálepa The use of azlactones in syntheses of heterocyclic compounds. III. Synthesis of 3-amino-5-oxo-6-benzyl-2,5-dihydro-1,2,4-triazine and some its derivatives -
pp. 2510-2515
J. Marhan, J. Doležal, K. Obruba and J. Arient Anthrachinonfarbstoffe IX. Nitrierung von Anthrachinon-1-sulfonsäure -
pp. 2515-2521
S. Landa, B. Podroužková and J. Eyem Über Bicyclo[3,3,1]nonan-Derivate III. In 1-Stellung substituierte Derivate und Homologe
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.