- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1969, Volume 34, Issue 8
pp. 2161-2168
J. Balej and A. Regner Phase diagram of the systems K2S2O8-H2SO4-H2O and K2SO4-H2SO4-H2O -
pp. 2169-2181
D. Tocksteinová and A. Tockstein Kinetische Oxydations-Reduktions-Titrationen II. Verifikation der theoretischen Grundlagen -
pp. 2182-2188
V. Ettel and J. Vepřek-Šiška Reaktionen sehr reiner Substanzen V. Ferratzersetzung in alkalischer Lösung -
pp. 2189-2198
J. Hasa and M. Ilavský Deformation behaviour of lightly crosslinked networks -
pp. 2199-2207
M. Ilavský and J. Hasa Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels. XIV. Viscoelastic behaviour of swollen poly(ethylene glycol monomethacrylate) networks in the main transition region -
pp. 2208-2222
F. Mareš, V. Bažant and J. Krupička Esterification of benzenecarboxylic acid with ethylene glycol. I. Kinetics of esterification of terephthalic acid without catalyst -
pp. 2223-2234
J. Kuthan, V. Skála and J. Paleček Localization energies of methyl homologues of pyridine -
pp. 2235-2248
Š. Toma Acylation of ferrocene analogues of chalcones -
pp. 2249-2257
J. Koníček, M. Procházka, V. Křesťanová and M. Smíšek Thermochemie der Nitrile I. Über die Bildungswärmen aliphatischer Nitrile -
pp. 2258-2277
V. Seidlová, K. Pelz, E. Adlerová, I. Jirkovský, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. XXXV. Derivatives of 10-piperazino-10,11-dihydrodibenz[b,f]oxepin -
pp. 2278-2287
M. Kuchař, J. Štrof and J. Vachek Adamantane compounds. II. Some 6-(1-adamantyl)pyrimidines -
pp. 2288-2305
K. Vokáč, Z. Samek, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCI. The structure of artabsin and the origin and structure of the coloured hydrocarbon chamazulenogen from wormwood oil -
pp. 2306-2315
J. Beránek and J. Gut Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXXVI. Synthesis of substituted 5-amino-2,3-dihydro-1,2,4-triazin-3-one (6-azacytosine) derivatives -
pp. 2316-2347
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXXVII. Synthesis of uridine and cytidine 6-methyl and 5,6-dimethyl derivatives -
pp. 2348-2366
J. Nývlt Zur Löslichkeitsberechnung in Mehrkomponentensystemen -
pp. 2367-2377
G. Glöckner Zur Ermittlung der Kinetik von Kettenspaltungsreaktionen durch Viskositätsmessungen -
pp. 2378-2389
I. Sláma and Z. Kodejš Chlorwasserstoffoxydation mittels Sauerstoffs, katalysiert mit Dämpfen von Kupferchloriden -
pp. 2390-2397
V. Šára, J. Moravec, V. Horák and M. Horák Determination of thermodynamic functions by means of infrared spectroscopy. Complex formation in phenol-aliphatic sulfide and phenol-aliphatic sulfoxide systems -
pp. 2398-2408
J. Kuthan, Z. Donnerová and V. Skála NMR spectra and the reactivity of organic compounds. II. Proton chemical shifts, theoretical and experimental reactivity of some non-alternant hydrocarbons and ions -
pp. 2409-2416
V. Kováčik, Š. Bauer and P. Šipoš Mass spectrometry of uronic acid derivatives. II. Fragmentation of isopropylidene derivatives of uronic acids -
pp. 2417-2428
N. Kucharczyk and V. Horák Structure and properties of sulfur-containing compounds. IV. Study of the reactivity of sulfur atom in 3-substituted thianaphthenes in oxidation with perbenzoic acid -
pp. 2429-2438
J. Joska, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. CXXIV. 5,7-Cyclosteroids. V. Synthesis of 5,7β-cyclo-5β-pregnane derivatives -
pp. 2439-2448
L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš On steroids. CXXV. B-Homosteroids. IV. Conformation of the B-ring in B-homosteroid ketones and α-bromoketones -
pp. 2449-2458
A. Holý and J. Žemlička Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXXIII. A study on hydrolysis of N-dimethylaminomethylenecytidine, -adenosine, -guanosine, and related 2'-deoxy compounds -
pp. 2459-2464
K. Syhora, J. A. Edwards and A. D. Cross A new synthesis of 9β-androst-4-ene-3,17-dione -
pp. 2465-2468
J. Mrha and J. Jindra Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. XII. Oxygen electrode in solutions of KOH-CH3OH-HCOOH -
pp. 2469-2473
M. Trojna and J. Hubáček Über die Bestimmung nichtreduzierender Zucker II. Bestimmung von 6-Kestose und Neokestose unter Anwendung von 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazoliumchlorid -
pp. 2473-2476
M. Ilavský and J. Kolařík The viscoelastic behaviour of butyl methacrylate-ethylene glycol monomethacrylate copolymers in the main transition region -
pp. 2476-2478
M. Jakoubková, J. Hetflejš and V. Chvalovský Organogermanium compounds. V. Infrared frequencies of some vibrations of the phenyl group in spectra of the derivatives of phenylgermane -
pp. 2478-2481
S. Ulrych Disc-electrophoresis of modified human globin in stepwise gradient of concentration of polyacrylamide gel
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.