- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 5
pp. 1375-1384
L. Šůcha Polarographic determination of ketones in phenol -
pp. 1385-1392
Z. Samek Internal rotation energy barrier of terminal N-dimethyl groups as a function of the length of polymethinium chains -
pp. 1393-1414
J. Závada, J. Krupička and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. IL. The mechanism of cycloalkene formation from cycloalkyl bromides. The scope of the syn-anti bimolecular elimination dichotomy -
pp. 1415-1428
M. Svoboda, J. Závada and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. L. The mechanism of bimolecular elimination of cycloalkyl tosylates. The scope of syn-elimination: Dependence on reaction conditions and substrate structure -
pp. 1429-1437
M. Havel, J. Krupička, M. Svoboda, J. Závada and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. LI. Effect of ring size on the rates of quaternization of the N-methylazacycloalkanes -
pp. 1438-1450
J. Sicher, M. Tichý, J. Závada and J. Krupička Stereochemical studies. LII. Rates of the Menschutkin reaction in cyclohexyldimethylamines. Some unusual rate effects in a simple reaction -
pp. 1451-1461
K. Setínek, N. Pecev and V. Bažant Katalytische Entalkylierung von alkylaromatischen Verbindungen XVII. Über die Hydrogenolyse-Kinetik von Toluol und der Xylole -
pp. 1462-1473
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXII. Synthesis of triribonucleoside diphosphates starting from unprotected diribonucleoside phosphates -
pp. 1474-1479
A. Černý, R. Kotva, H. Veselá, V. Jelínek and M. Semonský Substances with antineoplastic activity. XXIII. Synthesis of 6-(4-carboxybutyl)thionebularin and its effect on some transplantable animal tumours -
pp. 1480-1488
A. Gosman Self-diffusion of chloride ions in KCl solution -
pp. 1489-1500
K. Micka and I. Roušar Theory of porous electrodes. VII. Hydrogen anode with protecting layer in alkaline electrolyte -
pp. 1501-1507
J. Eliášek and V. Talášek Kinetik des Ionenaustausches I. Austausch des Me-H-Types an Dowex 50 W -
pp. 1508-1521
P. Beneš and J. Singer Radiochemical study of the sorption of trace elements. II. Sorption of manganese and gold on paper -
pp. 1522-1538
F. Vláčil The extraction of salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone by non-polar solvents -
pp. 1539-1548
P. Dostál, J. Čermák and J. Kartous Photometrische Bestimmung von Schwermetallkationen der Aushärtungskatalysatoren in Organosiliciumharzen mittels Piperidiniumpentamethylendithiocarbaminats -
pp. 1549-1560
P. Kozák, J. Kalous and M. Jureček Analytische Aspekte der Oxydation organischer Stickstoffverbindungen mit Chromsäure XIII. Kinetische Analyse der gemische von -N-N--Gruppen enthaltenden Substanzen -
pp. 1561-1569
V. Baran Neutralisationsanalyse wässriger Lösungen von Salzen des vierwertigen Urans -
pp. 1570-1575
J. Franc and J. Ceeová The separation of organopolysiloxanes by paper chromatography -
pp. 1576-1583
A. Černý and M. Semonský Ergot alkaloids. XXXI. The aminolysis of ergot alkaloids of peptide type -
pp. 1584-1600
V. Wollrab Über Naturwachse VIII. Olefine und Paraffine aus den Wachsen einiger Pflanzen der Familie Rosaceae -
pp. 1601-1604
A. Vítek A general method for the computation of redundant internal coordinates in cyclic molecules -
pp. 1604-1608
P. Schmidt, M. Chmelíř, M. Marek and B. Schneider Infrared study of mutual reactions of various Friedel-Crafts halogenides -
pp. 1609-1611
S. Heřmánek, V. Gregor and J. Plešek Chemistry of boranes. XII. Chromatography of o-carboranes on a silica gel layer -
pp. 1612-1616
V. Pekárek and S. Maryška Untersuchung der Sorptionseigenschaften des Amberlites IR-120 und des amorphen Zirkonium(IV)-phosphats für die Separation des Urans von Beimischungen -
pp. 1617-1618
J. Kubištová, L. Mikulíková, A. Valkoun and V. Kubišta Increased sensitivity of detection for high-voltage electrophoresis of phosphorus compounds in salicylate buffer with boric acid -
pp. 1619-1623
J. Slavík, L. Dolejš, V. Hanuš and A. D. Cross Alkaloids of Papaveraceae. XL. Chelirubine, chelilutine, sanguirubine and sanguilutine. Mass and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of benzophenanthridine alkaloids -
pp. 1623-1625
D. Walterová and F. Šantavý Beitrag zur Konstitution des roten Produktes der Papaverrubine
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.