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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1967, 32, 1427-1437

Addition reactions of haloolefins. III. The reaction of 1,2-difluorodichloroethylene with fluorotrichloromethane in the presence of Lewis acids

O. Paleta and A. Pošta

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Pomeisl Karel, Kvíčala Jaroslav, Paleta Oldřich, Klásek Antonín, Kafka Stanislav, Kubelka Vladislav, Havlíček Jaroslav, Čejka Jan: Limitations of the Wittig–Horner-type annulation of fluorobutenolide moiety to 3-hydroxyquinoline-2,4(2H,3H)-diones. Novel modifications of the Perkow reaction including fluorinated acyloxy leaving groups. Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 10549. <>
  • Paleta Oldřich, Volkov Andrei, Hetflejš Jiřı́: Fluorinated butanolides and butenolides. Part 5. Synthesis and nucleophilic reactions of 3-chloro-2-fluoro-2-buten-4-olide as tetronic acid analogue. Conjugate addition of hard nucleophiles and vinylic halogen displacement with soft phosphorus nucleophiles. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 2000, 102, 147. <>
  • Paleta Oldřich, Církva Vladimír, Budková Zuzana, Böhm Stanislav: Radical addition reactions of fluorinated species Part 6. Regioselectivity of the addition of nucleophilic radicals to halogenopropenes and evidence for a steric effect of the chlorine substituent. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1997, 86, 155. <>
  • Nguyen Thoai, Wakselman Claude: Access to 2-fluoroacrylates and their 3-chloro derivatives by chemical hydrogenolysis of 3,3-dichloro-2-fluoroacrylates. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1996, 80, 95. <>
  • Kvív́čala J., Paleta O., Dědek V.: Preparation of perhalogenated chlorofluoropropanes by halogen exchange in the liquid and vapour phases and their isomer analyses by 19F NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 1989, 43, 155. <>