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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1967, 32, 3597-3606

The polysaccharides from white willow (Salix alba L.). The constitution of 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan

Š. Karácsonyi, M. Kubačková and J. Hrivňák

Crossref Cited-by Linking

  • Kubačková Marta, Karácsonyi Štefan, Bilisics Ladislav, Toman Rudolf: On the specificity and mode of action of a xylanase from trametes hirsuta (wulf.) pilát. Carbohydrate Research 1979, 76, 177. <>
  • Kubačková M., Karácsonyi S., Bilisics L., Toman R.: Some properties of an endo-l,4-β-D-xylanase from the ligniperdous fungusTrametes hirsuta. Folia Microbiol 1978, 23, 202. <>
  • Kubačková M., Karácsonyi S., Toman R.: Purification of xylanase from the wood-rotting fungusTrametes hirsuta. Folia Microbiol 1976, 21, 28. <>
  • Kubačková M., Karácsonyi Š., Váradi J.: Studies on xylanase fromBasidiomycetes. Folia Microbiol 1975, 20, 29. <>
  • Bardalaye Promode C., Hay George W.: Structural studies on the hemicelluloses of the roots of the sugar maple (acer saccharum marsh). Carbohydrate Research 1974, 37, 339. <>