Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1966, 31, 3263-3279

To the theory of radiation chemistry. II. Calculation of relative radiation chemical yields of the phase radiolysis of methanol

Z. Prášil

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Z. Prášil
    To the theory of radiation chemistry. IV. The calculation of radiation-chemical yields in the radiolysis of methane, ethane, propane and methanol in the gas phase
    1967, Vol. 32, Issue 9, pp. 3105–3132 [Abstract]
  • Z. Prášil
    To the theory of radiation chemistry. III. Semiempirical calculation of breakdown curves under the assumption of limited number of effective oscillators
    1967, Vol. 32, Issue 8, pp. 2906–2916 [Abstract]
  • Z. Prášil
    To the theory of radiation chemistry. I. Application of principles of the simplified quasi-equilibrium theory of mass spectra to the determination of radiation chemical yields of a gas phase radiolysis
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 8, pp. 3252–3262 [Abstract]
  • Z. Prášil, K. Vacek and J. Bednář
    Degradation spectrum of electrons, electronic excitation spectra of molecules, and primary radiation chemical yield
    1965, Vol. 30, Issue 8, pp. 2693–2702 [Abstract]
  • J. Malý, V. Knobloch, D. Imrišová, Z. Prášil and Z. Urbanec
    Bestimmung der Spaltungsausbeuten von 141Ba und 142Ba
    1958, Vol. 23, Issue 10, pp. 1886–1895 [Abstract]