- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 3
pp. 947-958
S. Vavřička, L. Němec and J. Koryta The influence of adsorption of tetrabutylammonium ion on the structure of the mercury-water interface -
pp. 959-969
M. Najbar, K. Kuchynka and K. Klier Kinetics of carbon monoxide oxidation by MnO2-based catalysts at low pressures -
pp. 970-978
I. Sláma and A. Regner Oxydation von Chloridionen mittels Kupfer(II)-Ionen in Schmelzen von Kaliumchlorid- und Zinkchloridgemischen -
pp. 979-996
M. Jakoubková, M. Horák and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XLVI. Infrared spectra of silyl- and silylmethyl-substituted cyclopropane derivatives -
pp. 997-1008
D. Vlachová and Ľ. Drobnica Some relationships between biological activity and physico-chemical properties of monosubstituted phenylisothiocyanates -
pp. 1009-1016
J. Štamberg and S. Ševčík Chemical transformations of polymers. III. Selective hydrolysis of a copolymer of diethylene glycol methacrylate and diethylene glycol dimethacrylate -
pp. 1017-1027
J. Baldrian Iodine complexes of polycaprolactam -
pp. 1028-1034
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXV. Synthesis of 6-furfurylthionebularine -
pp. 1035-1052
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXVI. The Hilbert-Johnson reaction of 2,4-dialkoxypyrimidines with 2,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-D-ribofuranosyl chloride -
pp. 1053-1063
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXVII. Synthesis of anomeric 1-(2-deoxy-D-ribofuranosyl) and 1-(D-ribofuranosyl) derivatives of 5-hydroxymethyluracil -
pp. 1064-1071
B. Pelc and J. Hodková Steroid derivatives. XXXVII. 1α-Methylated 5α-androstane derivatives substituted in positions 2 and 3 -
pp. 1072-1078
J. Rosík, V. Zitko, Š. Bauer and J. Kubala The structural features of cherry-tree gum (Prunus avium L. var. juliana L.) -
pp. 1079-1092
J. Klinot and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. VII. Stereochemistry of 2-bromo derivatives of allobetuline and alloheterobetuline -
pp. 1093-1100
V. Štěrba, J. Arient and J. Šlosar Imidazol-Farbstoffe XVII. Nitrierung von 2-Phenylbenzimidazol und seiner Nitroderivate -
pp. 1101-1112
M. Hudlický and B. Kakáč Organic compounds of fluorine. X. The synthesis of δ-fluoronorleucine, δ-hydroxynorleucine, alloisoleucine, ω-hydroxyisoleucine, and 3-methylproline -
pp. 1113-1123
S. Witek and J. Křepinský On terpenes. CLXXVII. The composition of valerian oil (Valeriana officinalis L.) -
pp. 1124-1130
A. Čihák, J. Veselý and F. Šorm Some features of the biological effect of 1,2,4-triazine methylthio derivatives -
pp. 1131-1141
S. Zadražil and Z. Šormová Characterization of ribonucleic acid preparations from various sources with respect to their content of residual protein -
pp. 1142-1151
F. Franěk On proteins. CI. Study of the polypeptide chain arrangement in pig γG-globulin through molecular and peptide map characteristics of individual polypeptide chains and higher sub-units -
pp. 1152-1161
V. Hampl and K. Spurný Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters. VIII. Determination of the mean pore size by gas flow rate measurements -
pp. 1162-1171
L. Němec Equilibrium conditions for adsorption measurement on mercury electrodes -
pp. 1172-1179
Z. Knor and V. Ponec Adsorption and catalytic reactions on evaporated metal films. XII. Work function measurements -
pp. 1180-1188
R. Zahradník, M. Nepraš, J. Arient and J. Koutecký Imidazole dyes. XVIII. Electronic spectra and reactivity of imidazole dyes -
pp. 1189-1204
A. Kimla and F. Štráfelda Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt XI. Konvektionsdiffusion zur zylindrischen Elektrode -
pp. 1205-1213
P. Schneider and P. Mitschka Effect of internal diffusion on catalytic reactions. III. Effect of particle shape on reaction with Langmuir-Hinshelwood type of kinetics -
pp. 1214-1221
Z. Jerman and J. Figar Irreversible Volumänderungen von Sulfatlösungen des vierwertigen Titans -
pp. 1222-1228
Z. Jerman and J. Figar Änderungen der Viscosität und der chemischen Reaktivität von Sulfatlösungen des vierwertigen Titans -
pp. 1229-1236
F. Deml Herstellung von reinem Gallium durch Reduktion des Gallium(III)-chlorids mittels Aluminium -
pp. 1237-1247
J. Vepřek-Šiška, V. Ettel and A. Regner Reaktionen sehr reiner Substanzen II. Katalysierte Zersetzung alkalischer Permanganatlösungen -
pp. 1248-1255
J. Vepřek-Šiška, D. M. Wagnerová and K. Eckschlager Einäquivalent-Oxydationen II. Sulfitoxydation durch Komplexionen -
pp. 1256-1263
V. Havránková and J. Horák Darstellung und photoelektrische Eigenschaften von Antimon(III)-chalkogenid-jodiden -
pp. 1264-1272
H. Oelschläger, J. Volke and H. Hoffmann Arzneimittelanalysen mittels Polarographie oder Oszillopolarographie IV. Mechanismus der polarographischen Reduktion des Diazepams -
pp. 1273-1280
J. Janák, M. Holík and M. Ferles Untersuchungen in der Pyridinreihe X. Gaschromatographische Trennung einiger Stellungsisomeren der Piperideinreihe -
pp. 1281-1287
S. Heřmánek, J. Plešek and V. Gregor Chemistry of boranes. II. Thin layer chromatography of non-ionic boron compounds -
pp. 1288-1314
L. Sommer, L. Kuřilová-Navrátilová and T. Šepel Komplexe des Uranyls mit phenolischen Liganden VI. Komplexe mit Koji- und Mekonsäure -
pp. 1315-1322
M. Procházka, J. V. Černý and M. Smíšek Oxabicyclo[3,3,0]octanes -
pp. 1323-1332
J. Weichet, J. Hodrová and L. Bláha Über die Darstellung von α-Alkylalaninen und einigen Derivaten -
pp. 1333-1339
P. Kristian and Ľ. Drobnica Reactions of isothiocyanates with amino acids, peptides and proteins. IV. Kinetics of the reaction of substituted phenylisothiocyanates with glycine -
pp. 1340-1347
J. Paleček Azabicycloverbindungen IV. Hofmannsche erschöpfende Methylierung von 2-Methyl-1-aza-bicyclo[2,2,2]octan -
pp. 1348-1354
M. Ferles, M. Kovařík and Z. Vondráčková Untersuchungen in der Pyridinreihe XI. Reduktion der quartären Salze einiger Pyridinhomologen mit Natriumborhydrid -
pp. 1355-1362
L. Slavíková and J. Slavík Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXXII. Über die Alkaloide aus Hunnemannia fumariaefolia SWEET und über die Konstitution des Alkaloids HF 1 -
pp. 1363-1370
B. Pelc, J. Hodková and J. Holubek Steroid derivatives. XXXVIII. Preparation of 1α,2α-oxides of androstane derivatives and their reactions -
pp. 1371-1376
O. Červinka Asymmetric reactions. IX. Asymmetric transformation as a means for determination of absolute configuration of amines, amino alcohols, amino acids and amino sugars -
pp. 1377-1384
J. Souček, M. Láznička, K. Motyčka and K. Slavík Metabolism of folic acid. X. The effect of folic acid antimetabolites on the activity of folate reductase in mouse embryos -
pp. 1385-1388
Č. Jech Thermal release of 35sulphur from reactor irradiated sodium chloride -
pp. 1389-1391
W. Lorenz and U. Gaunitz Zur Ladungsverteilung in π-Elektronensystem-Hg-Bindungen: Partieller Ladungsübergang bei der Adsorption von Benzohydrochinon-1,4 an Quecksilberelektroden -
pp. 1392-1394
J. Pitra and J. Reichelt Effect of the deactivation of silicagel by water on the sorption equilibria -
pp. 1395-1398
J. Klč Mikroextraktionsmethode zur Phosphatbestimmung in biologischem Material -
pp. 1398-1402
F. Vydra and V. Marková Sorption von Zink an Silicagel und ihre Verwendung zur Zinkbestimmung in Kupfer -
pp. 1402-1404
J. Pitra Separation methods for natural products. XI. Detection with morin in chromatography on silicagel -
pp. 1404-1407
L. Novák Zur Struktur des sogenannten Allo-benzalphthalids und seiner Derivate -
pp. 1407-1410
B. Görlich and M. Kulhánek Isolierung der L-Idonsäure aus dem Gemisch mit D-Glukonsäure -
pp. 1411-1413
J. Schraml and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XLVII. On the interpretation of NMR spectra of substituted silylethylenes -
pp. 1413-1414
J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXVIII. Synthesis of 5-(2'-chloro-2''-fluorodiethylaminomethyl)uracil -
pp. 1414-1416
M. Bobek, J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Cyclisations of hexulosonic acid thiosemicarbazones to 5-substituted 6-azauracil derivatives -
pp. 1416-1420
M. Hudlický and I. Lejhancová Organic compounds of fluorine. IX. The preparation of 1-bromo-3-fluorobutane and 3-bromo-1-fluorobutane -
pp. 1421-1424
F. Kalousek, K. Raška, Jr., M. Jurovčík and F. Šorm Effect of 5-azacytidine on the acceptor activity of sRNA -
pp. 1425-1427
A. D. Cross and J. Slavík Glaucamine - Structure and relative stereochemistry at two centers
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.